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37 · 1d
The Ride
Drab 1d
Life is like a roller coaster.
It’s like a wave to me.
Eventually, everything looks the same no matter where I am.
Do I get off the ride,
Or get a freebie?
NOTE - 91824
37 · Aug 31
Associate of Artists
Drab Aug 31
I stood upon a dying stage,
The last one, the oldest age.
Two people were there, cheering me.
Two of the best, my brother and she…….
August 30, 2024 – Got a two-year college degree in my 40’s a while ago. Graduation was one of my life highlights. Took me 16 years but who’s counting? Funny the things that are important in life once you get near the big leap into the abyss. Still alive and making fun of the absurdity of the world is now my calling. Oh, and the absurdity of me….:-)
Drab Sep 9
What happens when all my data gets to a satellite?
Does it stop there?
I’m not so sure.
Of course Einstein was just right…and…wrong.
He theorized relatively in stead of something else.
Or was it relativity?
Either way I’m always right ..............of......................... center….

Notey – 9924
Drab Sep 2
Integrity, Honesty, especially Empathy, neuropathy,  uniqueness.....

Two out of five is a good batting average in MLB.....

Fun stuff.

OK I stopped the madness.

That train sailed long ago.

Stopping that is.......

RIP : J. Hinkley - He had the wrong idea. Shoulda aimed at the mass in particular Unfortunately, he's still with himself.\ and us.
09/02/24 and counting the seconds. Tik Talk tik talk Clareeeece.....

Why doesn't Jodie love me?

She shoulda, but couldn't.

This poem was paid for by the fine people from P.C. Inc.. It's in the bag but at least it's in one place.
37 · Sep 7
My Feeble Heart
Drab Sep 7
What can I do with this feeble heart
My plans are true, then fall apart
The course is plain for all to see
Except that one, that one who’s me

I think I’m doing what I should do
Not thinking of how, or what, or who
For those who care about my turn
Instead of being a source of concern

Sometimes I think that I am right
To do what’s good in my minds sight
But those who are the ones I love
I sometimes think of me above

To look inside is such a gift
But seeing clear is better if
You use the glasses of other eyes
And see my warts that I despise

A love lost when, does it matter now
That I was wrong with tattered brow
I must affix a bandage to this man so ****
And make amends for my feeble heart.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 - Man, 2008 was a tough year!
Drab 5d
Metaphorically speaking or so to speak..
I’d rather be in sane,

Than here.

NOTES -huh?

Drab Sep 11
One is kind
The other is blind.
I think I’ll choose both.
They're both viewed in my mind.
36 · Sep 11
Drab Sep 11
I'm eating less.
So I'll get fit
I'm staying alert
So I can see
I'm listening quietly.
So I can shout

It's a beautiful day for a ballgame.

Remember the Dodgers!
Says stupid me.
NOTE – RIP Vin Scully and many others…
36 · Sep 1
Drab Sep 1
The perception I am giving you ,is nothing but a ruse.
I just don’t want you to start using me as your flippin muse.
It’s just my mind and the frame of it.
Even though most of what I say...
Is just the friggin  tip of it, that's what you have to pay.
36 · Sep 2
Drab Sep 2
"What a drag it is getting old"
Mother's little helper just observing.
09/02/24 - RIP Keith Richards......PREhuminously
36 · 7d
Dali, the father
Drab 7d
I think he’s lost his marbles.
I think he now sees the sea.
Those cement boots are heavy.
I tell you this is me….
NOTES – inside my head
36 · Sep 3
Drab Sep 3
It's an inclusive society.
Well, as long as you agree with us.
Notes - F Flat - Sorry, I was thinking D.I.E. - I suffer from Dislexai.....

Oh, funny you should ask. D.on't I.ncrease E.xcrement.
Drab Aug 30
Artificial Intelligence is just that.
Artificial. Trust me....
It's the real human beings that seem to cause all the problems...
08/30/24 - I take that back....not all of them
Drab Sep 2
I'm working on my Auto-Biography in poems.
I'm working on my Audio-Biography in speech.
I'm working on my Audi Biography in the garage.
I'm working on my ******* Biography ever moment I breath.

That would make me the AAA if it weren't for the last one.
TO know oneself is to love someone else.
Notes- 09/2/22+2 - Gems, all of em. But does it make me a B since they are not lined up? These are important critical decisions for the reader to make to be a reader.
36 · Sep 1
just kidding
Drab Sep 1
I kid you adieu, you faint of heart.
It’s with great sadness, I leave us apart.
The end is near, I’m afraid my dear friend.
Perhaps if you’re unlucky, we will meet somewhere that rhymes with The end.

09.0124 – It’s September Fools Day. Everybody raise their hands….
Notes = see above
35 · Aug 22
The Biggest Insult
Drab Aug 22
As I sit here at work and ponder my lot
I seem to have time to worry a lot
About my family, my friends, my much perceived foes
It seems to me at times they contribute to my woes

However upon much further review
If they weren't here or even not you
I would be single, alone and free
To drown in my sorrows for fun and no fee

So I know that I must take the good with the bad
My worries are small compared to what others have had
To worry is an insult to my precious Lord
He is the one who takes away the sharp sword

To float into neverland free from the mind
That tends to wander but can always find
The peace of a river, a cloud or a stream
Or look at my son who is living my dreams.

How grateful I am to be able to see
This wonderful gift that was given to me
My life and my soul are in his hands today
The rest is of no import for this I do pray.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 -  I am studying for my degree in irreverence.
35 · 6d
Drab 6d
The boy was strong
His will ran long
I always said,
I wish I had.
It’s not a wish,

notes - just hanging a round.
NOTES – RUMOR ALERT - it doesn’t even come close.
35 · 7d
on the COT!
Drab 7d
Enough said,
Or I might be dead.
NOTES - Sorry, I just ate some edibles about and hour ago and
Drab Sep 9
I went to pharmacy today.
Had to get into the que?
Didn't take my vit....a....mins.
But I used a shifting spanner.

The water closet broke down.
Now I'm in deep cagada.
What is one to do?
If you get my Ensenada.
NOTES - No muy bien.

Can  you tell I was in the oilfield? .....probably not. Or grew up near LA? I don't think so. How about lived in Texas for 20 years. I beg to differ.

In hindsight, I knew it all along.

35 · 6d
The joke's on me
Drab 6d
70’s blow
The decade I don’t remember
Now it’s back.
What is an elderly, lonely old man to do?

After contemplating….
He stopped hating hating.
And then started it all over again.
Just one big loop.
NOTABLE – Yes, but you had to be there.
Drab 1d
One’s a ****.
One’s a *****
Richard thinks the kitty is pretty.
But Emma doesn’t.
They are both forms of life.
But identify as pieces of plastic.
2024 - Note
35 · Aug 25
Drab Aug 25
The further I am from the beginning, I stay the same.
Not a good choice if you are me.
While life is difficult.
And I don't want you near me.
I desperately seek your approval.....
AUGUST 25, 2024 - Deep thoughts or the obvious..
35 · 5d
I'm so dizzy
Drab 5d
the site keeps going around in circles.

I'm getting tired.........
Drab Sep 3
What is this I see, a body for me?
On hard silver slab, and a scalpel and a scab.
But no marks on the body, none, that I can see?
The body is gray, it looks just like me.
The lips are parted, just like mine,
I kiss them with passion; it's as if I were blind.
Don't worry, I'm here, I'll take care of the fear.
But I don't understand, why, I am here?
I'll take the cold hand; put it next to my heart.
Exposed to the air, so damp, so dark.
Please give me hope, I will see you again.
A dripping of blood, tastes like wine in the wind,
I will  meet you someday.
I see on the wall.
A reflection, of nothing, but me, that's all?
I never loved anyone, like I love you now.
I know we will go, I know we will dwell.
Sooner than later, at the very gates of hell!
The very gates of hell!
Shhhhhh, Shhhhhh, Shhhhhhh
NOTES - My song called Cadaver Love from the last century Im sure..entered it into a Holloween contest I'm into Pathology. All hail Uncle Bob. The Dr. Quincy of Orange County. He really is a legend, in my mind. This is a rather cynical version of me of course A. Cooper influence I guess. Happy HOLLOWeen.....
35 · Sep 9
Life's not fair
Drab Sep 9
You said I did it.
I did not.
You said I stole it.
I did not.
You  said I wrote it.
I did not.

Is there smoke?
Is there fire?
Or a burning rat....
NOTIFY - TRUE story. Different times...

NOTES – God’s little jests…..
35 · Aug 29
The Ride
Drab Aug 29
A shoulder tap came my way today,
It came to just me as if to say.
Buckle Down or face the tide.
I buckled up and faced my pride.
35 · 4d
Drab 4d


I feel better now....

Bad Gateway!
35 · Sep 5
Drab Sep 5
Just call me Ben.
After that then...
Punch yourself in the Bin.
And take the day off.
Notes - POV without a sense of humour. Also from the dish it out but can't take it society....
Drab Sep 11
It starts with just a sniffle.
A cough or two at worse.
But then it starts to spread.
Waiting for the hearse.

Oh wait, it’s here.
The mating call is near.
It wants me to resist.
I like that….
NOTES - POV – 91024
Come on, someone HAS to be offended? At least a little....
35 · Sep 1
Truth Serum
Drab Sep 1
On the table,
A few too few.
The doctor asked me,
My point of view?
I told him
09-01- stardate 2024
34 · Sep 1
the crow
Drab Sep 1
Not Cameron,
Just a friend.
Came to sit, upon a stem.
I told him as I walked towards,
Leave me Now, or feel my sword.
He flew away without a look,
Alfred's dream came true, and I had to BOOK!
09/01/24 - Friggin bird turds...although THEY say they are smart. I agree...
Drab Aug 26
The End.
August 26, 2024 - Monday?

I rest my case...
34 · 3d
Half Full
Drab 3d
It is a  good thing I’m me.
Who would the rest of the world…
Feel superior to?
NOTE – Cheer up
Drab Sep 9
“It’s like a screen door in a submarine”.

They said..


Zip COde - 90824
#notes - Hey Bill.....again. I picture some poor dude shoveling what I do saying, "what is he thinking?"
34 · 6d
Drab 6d
What the world needs now,

Is VOTES! sweet VOTES!

That's the only thing there is too much of.
Ms. Warwick has my apologies....
34 · Sep 9
Clint’s Nightmare
Drab Sep 9
Touching my face with his fingers.
Singing your life with his words.
Killing me softly,
With her song.
Taking one’s own life.
Thrilling me softly,
Living alone.
NOTES – TO be sung to the tune of…..

Shoutout to Roberta......first time ever….and AL Y.

I don't got anything better to do with my time......
Drab Sep 3
I know I’m new.
I know I’m strange.
I know many things.
But I’m certainly not deranged.

I’ve seen what goes on around here.
Shape Shifting and the like.
Pretending to be people.
But I know how to fight…it…whatever.

When I am so low.
When I am so vulnerable.
I turn to Mother Mary
She comforts me.

Thanks Mom!
L.M.M RIP - Notes - behind this notice. Oh, btw, my name is Dan, and I'm into a lot of ***** things. Particularly irreverence. Oh, another thing. My mom's name is/was?.... Lois. The last two initials are correct, but they have nothing to do with a certain previously mentioned broad named Mary. Oh yeah, there is no door (that's my favorite part. Added it after I wrote the masterpiece)....8-Q
33 · Sep 5
Drab Sep 5
It's a far, far, far, far better place,
Than I've ever been.
Inside my limitations,
Along with the gin.......
Note to Notes - Don't go there.
Drab Sep 9
It's hot.
I'm dry.
Living in the middle of a cornfield.
I must be high.

The place I thought
I never wanted to be
Is the place called home
Whatever.... it's just me.

33 · 2d
Drab 2d
Hubby - Wo ist meine Rennmaus?
Wife -      ja, ich habe es Richard geliehen
Oh, ok dear. Good night Ivanka…
Drab Sep 9
Look at the world at face value.
That’s what someone says.
It’s a nice face on the surface,
Deep behind the question begs

Is the person I’m seeing Real?
Or are they a demon in disguise?
Do they smell a scent of roses?
Or smell a scent of lies?…

NOTE – Check the back seat
Drab Sep 4
"There once was a BOY named Paul.
       who went to a fancy dress ball.
He thought he would risk it.
   To go as a biscuit,
But a dog ate him up in the hall”
NOTES – told it to my limerick class in 1964. I copied it from a book and tried to pass it off as mine. It didn’t work. But I was only 9 years old……POV? Mom was ****** though. She gave the school hell for letting me get away with it. Oh yeah, the dog's name was a German Shepard named Gronk. He was from New England. Not the old one....;-)
33 · 6d
Drab 6d
I need to stay out of everybody's business.
I can't handle my own.
NOTE - oh well
33 · 3d
Under Cover
Drab 3d
There is a mood that digs in deep.
It keeps its head inside my sleep.
Every day it wakes up bright
The rays of knowledge led to my plight.

I opened them, these lines of glee
And saw them piercing inside of me
But the gnat came crawling,
out of my nose….
And began to wash, all my clothes.
Notes – there’s a deep meaning to this…….
33 · Aug 30
The Long Walk
Drab Aug 30
Walk not in another man's shoes.
They will probably not fit.
Walk not in a woman's shoes,
Lest you be kicked in the *** by one.
Walk not in my shoes as they have fungus and neuropathy.

BUT WALK! IT's healthy....

08/30/2024 - The legend continues....
Drab Sep 3
Why do those living things exist?
The butterflies.
I mean.
They are mean.
They land on my flowers and do their duty somewhere I don't like.
I'm sure of it.
Where's the microscope?
And the insecticide?
And remember...............
If you tear their wings off they are just a pesky fly that cannot fly.
Notes - POV from the Wrong One's perspective.
Drab 6d
Some are to be made fun of.
Some of them are to curse.
Some of them tickled me red.
Some stole from my purse.

I tell you it’s wonderful
I tell you it’s not pho-nee
It’s the holes in my head,
That reaches out to all thee.
NUTS - Friday the 13th. What a drag it is being old.
33 · Sep 9
Drab Sep 9
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what your parents can do.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what you can do for others.
You are spreading the disease..
32 · Sep 1
Drab Sep 1
Mee too....
metaphorically speaking
I think the pill is peaking.
Quitting is for losers.
I can't come down, no boozers
the colors all run dry,
Until RED becomes the sky.
Note to self - Poe Wannabe here, there, somewhere....Nevermore.
32 · Sep 2
Drab Sep 2
I’m voting for my son,
For Son of the Year (Called a SOTY).
His mother doesn’t like me…………….
09/02/24 – She's a type B personality.  in case you are wondering…..
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