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1.8k · Mar 2021
My Guy
NightOwls Mar 2021
There was this guy
troubled guy
angry guy
deeply wounded guy
who made an imprint on my heart
It's still there, you see,
never to leave.
He loves me
I know he does
but he's just
a depressed guy
lonely guy
Never wants to heal guy.
So, I wait for the day
when he's got it all figured out.
Maybe he will see
that I want to be his girl
adoring girl
hug me so tight never leave girl.

Maybe one day.
#love #timing #relationships #healing
1.8k · Mar 2021
You Left
NightOwls Mar 2021
The stars stopped shining
I don't hear the birds anymore
The wolves no longer howl
I'm cold sitting here
your warmth has left me
my tears froze in time
my heart rots now
you left
not even
a goodbye
I kinda hate you now
but why do I miss you
After all this
I want to be done
done with these feelings
I want to hate you
but maybe I don't
at all
1.6k · Mar 2021
I Want To Anyway
NightOwls Mar 2021
I see you
leaving tiny bread crumbs.
I'd follow them
and eat them along the way.
I feel as if maybe
you'd poison me.
Or maybe you would lead me
into a deep and empty abyss.
Feeling trapped, I would
never be able to let go.
A prisoner in my head,
but yours too.
1.2k · May 2021
NightOwls May 2021
His writings and the things that came out of his mouth we’re just as black and cold as his heart.
1.2k · Mar 2021
NightOwls Mar 2021
It was a nice warm day
a little breeze that came my way
kneeling on the ground
smelling the flowers that surround
as I watch the tiny bee hum.
"Here little love,
in my garden, you can come."
1.1k · Mar 2021
NightOwls Mar 2021
We were special
late nights
falling asleep
on the phone
tone to tone
cheek bones hurting
from all the smiling
that was us
now there is silence
no good mornings
no sweet dreams
no thinking of you's
I sit here
heart sullen
crusted tears
salty cheeks
red stained lips
thinking of you
missing you
trying so hard
987 · Mar 2021
Thinking Outloud
NightOwls Mar 2021
You may not know this,
but I think of you often.
I genuinely miss you
but I don't know
what to say anymore.
855 · Mar 2021
Not For You
NightOwls Mar 2021
I scream out loud
No one hears
it leaves my mouth
light as a whisper
I’m angry
but mostly depressed
no longer able to breathe

Feeling used and abused
I open my mouth again
But nothing comes out
I try again
Coughing up words
As sharp as an arrow
blunt as a pickaxe handle

Blood red as a dying rose
escapes my mouth now
It runs down my throat
next to my beating heart
That no longer
can dance for you
#heart #love #missyou #muststop #cantstop #mustmoveon #movingon #keeptrying #beatingheart #depression #sad #breakup  #thinkingofyou #latenightwrites
773 · May 2021
My Typhoon
NightOwls May 2021
His love was a category 5 hurricane
there was something so thrilling
how it could move me,
but in the end
it just left me
614 · Mar 2021
Come and Go
NightOwls Mar 2021
It's been easy to get lost in the words
that no longer remain
but I keep them locked
hidden in a secret room
beside my heart.
I revisit that room
from time to time
to feel my heart beating
with love and joy again
but it's almost empty now.
I sit quietly at the bare windowsill
looking out for you
mostly wondering
why it all went sour.
Now you're just a ghost
lonely and wandering
just a frament of my imagination.
You come to visit
but you never stay.
Oh, how I wish you would
just stay for awhile
maybe I could be the one
to make you smile.
#love #heartbeating #relationships #missyou #youneverstaylong #sad #lonely
441 · Mar 2021
No Longer Naive
NightOwls Mar 2021
I cannot shed another tear
my soul will not bear it
your actions are loud and clear
finished with the pain, you conflict

This door is no longer open.
Are you even capable of genuine love?
I shall sit here quiet and broken
praying to the one above

Pieces of a heart shattered
on the floor to sweep and gather
feeling alone, but mostly tattered
I refuse to feel any madder

No longer will you lie
or miniplate me.
I will not be your supply
that's a guarantee.
391 · Mar 2021
Saddest Thing Of All
NightOwls Mar 2021
The saddest thing of all
Is everyone in your head
is someone you
Because you have no one
at all
201 · Mar 2021
Your Love
NightOwls Mar 2021
It’s like a parasite
I’m the host
It doesn’t leave me
Or forget me

One day it
Will **** me
And I’ll let it
Because I don’t want to
Be rid of it.
198 · Mar 2021
Little Mind Souvenirs
NightOwls Mar 2021
I've spent time wishing
that maybe if I hadn't met you
this life of mine would be easier.

I would not have to sit here
missing the very essence of you,
remembering the best memories
but living the worse.
137 · Mar 2021
Not A Prince
NightOwls Mar 2021
In the end,
I'm disappointed,
only at myself.
I settled.
I didn't believe
that I could do any better.
Mostly living in a fantasy
wishing for the fairy tale.
Cinderella in her Prince,
but the prince wasn't quite a prince
only a bullfrog
who ended only croaking.
I wanted the happy ending,
but I was sadly disappointed
there wasn't any love.
Not a single
bone in his body
had an ounce
128 · Mar 2021
See You Never
NightOwls Mar 2021
He said the same thing
to every
That's when I decided
Slamming Door
I loved how he always made me feel so special, just kidding. He fed the exact same load of crap to every woman he spoke to.
125 · Mar 2021
All Lies
NightOwls Mar 2021
Do you think you're special?
Did he write poems for you too?
I'm sorry sweetie, he lied to me too.
114 · Mar 2021
I Long For You
NightOwls Mar 2021
I drove in my car
but turned around
wanted to go to the bar
I didn't want to drink
but I wanted to
see you.

Looked at my phone
no text from you
then looked again
still nothing...

The calendar told me
it's been too long
since we talked last
I've tried to accept
it all.
I truly tried
106 · Mar 2021
The Hunter
NightOwls Mar 2021
You're needy
you always have been
you take
you steal
all that you can get
despite hurt feelings
or broken hearts
you take
until there's
no more
then you move on
as quick as possible
to **** the life
out of someone
I feel sorry for the next victim
98 · Mar 2021
Time Tells
NightOwls Mar 2021
Time is a confusing thing
who orchestrates the timing
why must it be frustrating
always trying to uphold cohesive order
There is always
a time and a place
but why?

They yell out, "trust the timing
of your life!"
It's so hard some days.
Kick and shout
Everyone has their own clock
Tick Tock

Maybe one day
you and I
will be on the same
Tick tock

— The End —