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wes parham
Atlanta, GA    Infrequent Poetry to tell stories, express a feeling, hopefully to entertain or inspire. Cover: “ Memorial for Karl Liebknecht” by Käthe Kollwitz. Wes writes, he …
Michael Murphy
United States    I've always written, but decided to start sharing what I write. I find now that I love anything written by my parents, grandparents... (even recipes) …
Unpolished Ink
Writer and Poet living in the UK Channel Islands.
Kurt Philip Behm    The Death Of The Playground' (2007) 'The Sword Of Ichiban' (2010) 'Searching For Crazy Horse' (2011) 'An Anthology Of Perception' Vol's 1 & 2 (2013) …
The X-Rhymes
54/M    Too likeable to be liked. Too common to comment. Too rhymed to resonate. Too metered to matter. Too English to care.
Terence James Potter
69/M/Wales    If you can't enjoy yourself, what's the point!
26/F    Words are all I have to explain the tumult in my brain- when I'm happy, or otherwise. Ultimately, I'm just a girl wanting to pave …
-The Wasted Wordsmith-
27/M/Chicago    When the pen runs out of ink get a new one.
Andy Chunn
72/M/Tennessee USA    Old man who loves poetry, radio, music, and various sports.
Israel    A lover, a dreamer....
Hic erit dracones
40    I'm Indian, but my ancestors/forefathers were Mesopotamian , Middle Eastern /Arabian. I was born in Nigeria,( Western Africa) grew up in South Africa and currently …
33/F/Washington State    Just trying to survive day to day, and make sense of this crazy planet. I write what I feel, what I see, and what I …
24/F/British Colombia, Canada    I'm quiet until I'm not. Excuse my absences, I've been happy
63/Transgender Female/hastings    poet philosopher mead drinker
25/F/Pennsylvania    Some people don't mind being stuck in their own head. I am not one of them.
Zoe Mae
40/F/Massachusetts    I'm no poet. I just write stuff a few people like, and that's on a good day. I would go on about how this is …
As Clear As Mud In Bits And Pieces Governments Deny Press Releases Purple Heart Based Morphine Dreams Tear Drops In Claret Streams.
Broken Pieces
19/F/Looking for home🛣️    "I'm still trying to forgive myself for all of the things I failed to become. I'm still trying to make peace with the broken pieces …
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