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flannel shirt and torn blue jeans
she always held her cards close
to her fragile heart
her wild heart

(a heart not for me)

and she fades into a cold wind
whitens into snowflakes
and wild infatuation

i'm faded

the torn page
from a list of lovers
broken and sad

my love is moonlight and mare's tails

the night's stars
shot full of lost tomorrows
I'm listening to the house ,
the popping of the joists ,
the groans from years of delapidation . The arguing
with local foundations .

Age has its benefits in the forms of doors as they no longer stay moored to the walls but swing in indecision like the fools who stand in perpetual obsolesence .

Where then do my thoughts propel my rudderless oblivion ?
My angst , the thumb in many dikes , leaves me as powerless before the mass of my desperation .

How dare the Ghosts of daylight leave me marooned in the shadow of shadows .

I am confused and challenged by the hidden agendas and secret subpoenas of an alien race of thought .

And were I capable of burying the haunting images , would they not
sprout from my seeds of discontent and flourish
yet greater than before ?

. . . evidently so .
I do not yearn for the frenzied fire,
that sizzles, rages and burns.
Or bolts of lighting that streak in the sky,
scorching the air with their striking demand.
Nor do I wish for the unpredictable
excitement of color filled fireworks to light my nights
whistling, booming and crackling loud and bold.

No. I wish upon the twinkling night stars
that have steadily sung for eons,
the quiet, iridescent shine of the moon
that dependably follows her infallible cycle.
I yearn for those cooling, quite whispers of
the gentle wind, who though whimsical in her moods
is always there to breathe life into my lungs.

Give me those winds.
How lovely you look, so lit up.
I always keep my room
glowing like a subtle dream
sunset; orange, lavender, vibrant peach.
Now you're mine in the midnight hour
overcome by it, for a week.
Hoping you'll notice
the lonely pothos leaves
she's survived so much
we have both survived living with me.
I never liked this town
but you are so beloved
brought you here
now we're so above it.
Sipping on french champagne
(forgot to budget)
no worries, I'll be gone
this time next year
in some strange place with the curtain drawn
thinking of us here.
It's hard to chase the shapes of sleep
those grey elusive foggy sheep
who graze upon the fields of night
they wrap themselves in dreams to hide
while tired eyes stay open wide
I yearn for soul liberation,
To break free from all temptation,
To cast off every bind,
And leave the world behind
All earthly limitation.

The soul, by nature, needs but naught,
For freedom is its inherent thought.
But my flaws have held me back,
My vision blurred, off track.

What truly do I need?
Nothing, indeed.
Yet greed consumes my inner fire,
My soul's desire.

Devoid of true enlightenment,
I chase a fading light.
My vision veiled, my eyes concealed,
By fear, my heart revealed.

Lies will sting, anger will blaze,
Karma's wheel will turn its gaze.
I await the reckoning true,
My soul's awakening anew.

Who will absolve my deepest sins?
My thoughts, my inner demons' din.
They've led me down a murky trail,
Where nothing does prevail.

My flesh decays, my mind erodes,
My memory's path eludes.
I speak in riddles, devoid of sense,
My soul, a labyrinth without defense.

Who will decipher these mysteries?
The hidden truths that set me free?
The answer lies within,
My true self, my origin.

Oh, to be a soul liberated,
From all worldly attachment alienated.
To live my life with authenticity,
In true detachment, with serenity.
It's a good time
Hanging with animals,
Because there is no social pressure.
They merely love to live,
That is their pleasure.
There are no missed interpretations,
No alternate agendas;
Alive at nature's leisure
I don’t need a big miracle
A little one will do.
I don’t need my feet
To feel like feet again
That would be asking a lot.
I can still deal with
My failing right eye
And what’s going on in my throat.
It’s really a simple thing that I need
I just want to sit down and **** -
Every animal does it…
No thinking or planning involved.
But nature’s denied me
That every day deed
And that is the miracle I need.
A brief bout of constipation cured by levity..
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