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 Apr 2020 L Antonia
Jackie Mead
Dad, I know you would not want me to say..
but I miss you every single day.

You were my hero from an early age
my guardian, my teacher, my wisely sage.

You and Mum raised us all with such love.
Handling us all with kitten gloves.

Your knowledge and experiences you would freely impart.
You really were oh so smart.

There was nothing you wouldn't do
To keep your Family close to you.
An arm to hold us, stop us falling down.
An ear to listen when no one else was around.

You were strength
You were smart
You were fun
You were loyal
You were our rock

We won't forget you Dad, you'll never leave our hearts.

Love you **
It would have been my Dads birthday on Sunday, two days after my Daughters, four days after my Grandaughters.

He would have been 84.

My Dads been gone for two years now but I miss him every day.

Since last November ive written and self published three children's books and it is my only regret that my Dad didn't get to see this I know he would have been so proud.

I will be visiting a local place very dear to us on Sunday and raising a glass to my beloved Dad.

Thank you for listening **
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
Ana Sweeney
Because (truth be told),
in the early hours while
the city slumbers, when all
is still and silent and the moon
keeps an ever-watchful eye, my
words are my only companions.
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
And over time,
My pen stopped bleeding
But my heart didn't
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
Finger on the trigger
But the trigger finger isnt my own
Stainless depression bullets
Dipped in anxiety
Laced with a society
That'll never accept me
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
Emma Price
I wrote a million letters I'll never send
to release a billion thoughts in my head
but still here are a trillion voices that never end
~much love
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
 Apr 2020 L Antonia
I didn’t want to let it go
To be honest
I wanted it to work

But banging on a closed door
Only put splinters  
In my hands

— The End —