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The sun is yellow
The sky is blue
This is how much
I love you.
Love You
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
Megan H
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
Megan H
Her dreams-
Were too loud
And when she was told to be quiet,
She listened.
Now she just sits in silence.
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
She didn’t touch
her face.  

She keeps
her hands
on her books.

It’s been
many years.

She’s made
the world
book of records.

The girl who
will forever not
touch her face.

She’s too
busy reading.

She did not
have to
avoid her friends.

You can do a
google search.

Yet she’s not
there at all.

She existed
before the virus.

She sits by a butterfly
of bookcases.
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
5 pm
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
A mermaid with
a tail made of a lilac.

The largest
you’ve ever seen.

Her *******
made of two lilacs.

Her eyes have
fern sunglasses.

Her hair an
ocean of sun
as she floated
down the lake.

Her fingers
spinning the whirl
under the raindrops.

She sang softly
about how she
once saved ophelia.

All the people
screamed with horror
as they beheld her.

Yet it wasn’t her
that they feared.

It was the
flood rising up out of
the mist like a fist.

All the bees
trying to hold it back
did so in vain.
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
Where will I ever lay this love down
Like the mist above the mountains
That gathers and suspends within the waking sky
Until at once
The sun rises
And it falls
Like a child into her mother’s arms?

And the valleys
They rest
Quiet and calm
Sheltered within the soft fingers of a curling fog

And my heart
Is just like that

Heavy with the condensation of love

Held aloft by a darkness that refuses to rise
Thirsty for the first faint tendrils of light

That I may then, finally,
Release this love
And let it lie


Thick and soft and warm,
Curled around the valleys

Of a heart
Like my own.
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
 Apr 2020 Reindeer
When I gave you my heart
You lovingly cupped it in your palms
But I guess you got distracted
Because I watch it slide through your fingers
And shatter on the ground.

When you gave me your hand
I held it tightly in my own
But I guess I got distracted
Because our fingers are no longer intertwined
And our hands are empty.
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