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Life is no charming fairytale
Even on easiest days
Most blessed person you know
Has demons to keep at bay
There's no such thing as perfect
Beauty eventually will all decay
The only hope we have is to hang on
Find happiness within the disarray
And there is no such thing as happily ever after
First it steals small names
   then dreams of cunning lust.
   It smothers white hot desire
   then steals my flaccid trust.

   It hides joys I knew and my
   hate I once kept in my head
   steals lovers not forgotten.
   It buries me before I'm dead.
 Feb 2023 Chuck Kean
I know this woman well
from the curl of days
each day I write
a love letter to life
I strive to allow anything as
it is unfolds emerges
aliveness deadness blindness
foolishness fright ignite
the gloaming of thought
the expiration date for
the hade of dreams
I welcome every pain with a smile,
white hair and a glass of wine

this kind of love nested
in the voicelessness
of uncanny zoons
hues tunes lagoons
in the silence of soles
when you step so carrefully
not to disturb the unformed truths

pain love, neighbours
in the flow of synonyms
they taught myself to me -
the density of ribs
the depth of skin
the electricity of muscles
the tautology of heart
the logorrhea of thought
the temptation of beauty

moon is to blame
it hid its unforseen tales
inside the blueprints of
songs under the skin
of my hair.
Like lice he
got tangled up
in there. Got him out

of my closet.
He'd left
his skeleton as
a deposit. Got him out

of my tree house.
He'd crawl in
my holes like a mouse.
Got him out

of my so-called life.
Gave him back
to his so-called wife. So, he's out

of my canopy bed.
But he isn't out of
this floating head!
Two kinds of horizon
Pausing for connection
Fingers covering the sun
The place between your *******

Talk amongst the trees
Reflections on falling leaves
Your voice in other rooms
There's something you're not saying

Clouds of flowers
Sounds of bells
A halo of electric bulbs
The worn surface of a heart
I loved you on this day

 Feb 2023 Chuck Kean
ghost queen
it’s unbearable
numbing and crushing
my will
to live
this darkness
surrounded by loneliness
You are such a lazy slob
I'm always cleaning up after you
Why should I do all the hard work?
It's always me that has to make the first move
Why don't you sweep me off my feet for a change
Instead of moping around most of the day waiting for some action?
But when you think I'm not watching
I see you dancing in the sunlight.
It makes my eyes water,
Fake tears I know
But there is no denying the chemistry between us
And I can't help myself.
I'll be joining you soon enough
And we'll be together for ever.
 Feb 2023 Chuck Kean
Only with you
can time stretch forever
where it feels
like an endless walk
circling the Earth

Round and round we go
like giggling children,
heightening our
senses to new altitudes.....

we gaze into
each other's eyes,
exploring the depths
of gravity's absence

we pass the
city's evening moon
listening for the
echoing sounds of
Saturn spinning...
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