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Which is louder heart or head?
Why can I not ever decide?
Silence is my only answer
Solution I have yet to find

You create escape for yourself
Why did you not just say so?
Silence is the deepest cut
Worse than you letting me go
Written 2-13-21
Walk with me a while
give me one last kiss on parting
good friends and lovers
secretly and silently entwined
yet I am ever thought as old
and you a young and pretty thing
winter sighs a final breath
and bends to kiss the hand of spring
I'm in Heaven
here upon Earth
Laying on the rocks
Under sunlight
for all that it's worth

There's a caressing wind
that fondles my hair
I'm so far distant
from all of my
Earthly cares

Cotton candy clouds
kissing blue blue sky
All I can say is
my oh my oh my
Oh lord, I am the clay
within your hands
and you are the potter
I just want to serve you
oh lord, in your master plan
now, wrap your arms around me
and through your sweet glory
embrace me towards
the Kingdom of Heaven
for thou art the power and glory
but still, don't forsake me Lord
shape me lord
make me lord
just say the holy words
and I will obey your commands
just, wrap your arms around me
and through your sweet glory
for thou art with me
to be thy rod and staff
here to comfort me
in your power and sweet glory
but don't forsake me Lord
shape me lord
make me lord
just say the holy words
and I will obey
your commands
when we are made of clay
If I were given the choice
over a thousand sunflowers
or an endless field of lavender,
I would choose your smile
every time.
One More
temerarious lie
one more
supercilious reply
one more
unanswered call
one more
hyperbolic stall
one more
slammed door
one more
overstuffed drawer
one more
fitful sleep
one more
day I weep
one more
promise broken
one more
day we haven't spoken

One Less
smiling extol
one less
united goal
one less
card to buy
one less
steak to fry
one less
bed to make
one less
****** to fake
one less
***** dish to scrub
one less
ring around the tub
one less
lipstick stain on his collar
one less
night we fight and holler
white Orchid

like Ivory

then maybe
some purple splotches

from the *****
An imagistic Jazz word painting
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