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1.6k · Jul 2020
Clocking Time
Nidhi Sharan Jul 2020
The grandfather clock ticks away! day after day, everyday ,
it doesn't stop to listen to the baby gurgling, or the toddler screaming
indifferent to the many sounds of  angst and ecstasy!

the small hand of the clock controlling every hour of our lives
the big hand, a mere spectator to the brevity of those moments lived
the silent ticking of the pendulum,
  a call to take a second of respite!
from life, from living, from only "just existing"

I did try to stop time once, held the hands of the clock in my own calloused ones
and that is when the Townclock  chimed somewhere, faraway!
417 · Jul 2020
Desperately Frustrated
Nidhi Sharan Jul 2020
I am inspired to do better, desperation sets in when I am stalled

I am inspired to be the flame, desperate when all it does is rain
I am frustrated when you don’t want me to think, desperate for the freedom to string sentences that speak volumes

I am frustrated when you box me up and put a label my existence, for I am desperately still seeking the real Me

I am frustrated when my *** determines my potential, so desperate to break the chains that define a good girl

I am frustrated when you see just my body, for I am desperate to show you that I am more than just these flesh and bones

I am frustrated when you sympathise with me , desperate for you to empathise with me instead

I am frustrated when you think when I express myself, I am hormonal,
desperate for you to know that my ****** and brain are two separate entities

Instead Inspire me, make me desperate to want to create a brand New version of me, a version that is comfortable in her skin, not frustrated because of the layers of ambiguity I have had to put on

I am not a role, We are not role-playing, I am not just an employee, your mother, sister, wife, daughter, etc

Don’t get frustrated when I challenge the status-quo, because thats when desperation sets in

For we now realize that the sky is the limit for all of us , and now we are desperate for the wings to fly

So dear friend, boss, brother, father, and husband, help me desperately fight against my daily frustrations, hear me out, guide me, but don’t think for a moment that just because I am frustrated I am desperate too.

For I know now, that I live to be one with who I am, and nothing will change that for me, now or ever, and we are all going to live happily ever after!!

For it’s really the oxygen from the frustration that has flamed my desperation to be all that I could and should have been.

Bold, brave, kind, courageous and unapologetic-ally ME!
220 · Jan 2020
"Vulnerably" Your's
Nidhi Sharan Jan 2020
Being Vulnerable does not come easily to Me!
To be heard and felt, to hear and feel felt like emotions with no meaning,
Then you sailed through and entered my space and saw things which I had not been able to place,
on the very landscape of my heart and soul, and you drilled a hole,
On the fabric of my life- spread and somehow, I experienced “wholeness” once more!
I became someone who feels and expresses and is not afraid to take chances,
This is a person whom I used to know, the original Me and Myself,
I gradually started to break promises I made to myself,
of not being vulnerable, emotional or open to any feelings,
I don’t want to hide behind this façade anymore,
Longing to feel the sun burning my skin once more,
I'm glad you exist, even if it’s on a different plane,
For through our interactions every time, there is so much I gain,
Pain is not what I have feared, it’s the explosion of joy that I don’t know how to handle,
Guess what? being vulnerable still does not come naturally to Me
Its only when I look into your eyes, which reflect the expectation of pain back to me,
Even though we are both smiling at eachother in this moment now,
For you and I are overlapping spaces, torn and ravaged blue
and for both of us, it is our very own Vulnerabilities which binds us like glue!

— The End —