I feel like i need a fresh-start,
The feeling i have with the present is worn-out,
So worn-out i need refreshments
Temptation has burned-me-out,
Focus torn-apart, that i have conflict of interest
New beginings, the pattern has become dull
I feel i cannot continue with(in) the present
I have been on this present-continuous that i have sweat(ed) even my tears
Contemplation has sped (speed) me down
I have sweat(ed) so much that i am stinking,
Stinking of regrets
Stinking of mistakes
Stinking of failures
Stinking of wisdom
I have (grown) out-grown my mother's womb
I am powerless (for) to reverse the hands of time
How do i start afresh? How do i begin anew?
I think i should start afresh by changing my way of thinking
Learn from my mistakes, so i can make better decisions and actions
Change my perspective in and of life, so as to feel brand-new
Why do i need to start afresh?
Do i perceive myself a failure?
Am i not satisfied with the outcomes of my decisions?
Do i even have a decision to make ?
Do i feel too heavy the burden of my responsibilities ?
Am i too ashamed ?
Whatever the reason , i believe a new begining will make me fresh with (new) energy,
If we are really particles of atoms, protons, neurons, etc of life
If time-travel was proved existing, would i want to keep my memories ?
Would changing everyone and everything help ?
Let me begin by rising above all the thoughts and emotions like a tide,
Wash them off-shore (like) with a wave of tsunami
(inspired by the catastrophic devasting natural disasters in Morocco and Libya )
My heart and prayers are with them