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Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
Your one stride, is full of pride,
We can see you are trying to guide.
But, we still get misplaced, and
You still come back to emplace.
Oh Swami Bapa, we can't thank you enough,
for helping us get through our guf...
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
From many years
Thier was cheers,
You become one of Us,
We know its was hard to Adjust ,
Your sparkly eyes have inspired many lives
That voice that makes us rejoice,
You Forgave, when we misbehave,
You cared when We were scared,
Protected when, We least expected
We are all blank, As how to thank....
Oh Swami Bapa our eyes are leaking
As we are speaking,
As all we have is Love...
We Love you Swami Bapa, Love you very much.
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
Many have tired with all thier might to be in your diwine light,
Your sparkly eyes have inspired many lives
The voice that makes us rejoice,
We get shocks as the heart interlocks,
the light that makes us delight,
We strive to be in your sight...
Oh Swami Bapa all we ask is,
You make us part of that diwne light.
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
Your sound echoed around my hearts compound,
You stuck my heart and made me feel in luck,
You took my burden without guerdon,
Oh Swami Bapa!
A picture can speak a thousand words
But a thousand hearts can be moved by your one word.
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
When our eyes first met, My life reset,
You made me forget, all the regret,
I saw what it meant to be content and,
Stated to believe that I could achieve,
What people have tried to receive…
Unlimited happiness, Unlimited Bliss
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
I wanted perfection,
But then I lost my direction,
In a world of icy frost,
I was really unhappy,
Trying to make the rest happy,
Then then you arrived to
You changed my perspective,
And showed me my true objective,
You have left me no excuse,
Not to be indused,
By your divine persona...
Oh Swami Bapa, I can't wait,
We can't wait.
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
I opened my mouth but nothing came out.
I spoke words that no one heard
I see, An innocent smile and sparkly eyes.
I closed my mouth and spoke in tears...
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