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 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
Tom D
I want to go….
Where I can render harmless
The aftershocks of a quaking world

Where I can sweat in warm night air
Filled with a late summer’s peace
Ride on mattresses made of puffy white clouds
That slowly float past a bright harvest moon

Where I can pleasantly reel in the past
Smile at the younger version of myself
and forgive
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
I wish
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
I wish i was Icarus, brave and bold
Flying towards the sun with no worries

I wish i was Psyche, soulful and proud
With butterflies and her silver crown

I wish i was Pan, wild and free
with animals and nowhere to be

I wish i was a Muse, talented and seen
with a voice of careless beauty

I wish i was a legend, old and wise
with stories to tell and no binds

But i am myself, loud and spoken
I'm taught by stories, and i want to be one too
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
John Glenn
Last night I went to Paris
with my first ever muse
and held her one hand
while we held the Triomphe
in the other

We basked in books
we bought in the rue de la Bûcherie
and gazed at herons in the Seine

We were two tired birds
that perched atop the Eiffel
one lazy night, ready for a kiss

That's when my eyes fluttered open
like the birds in Paris
What a dream
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