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Rain on a flower
Rain on me
The sky has a plan
Tomorrow you will see
The sun shine again
In light of today's dream
These fingertips of mine,
accepting of blood,
map a pathway
from the watery deep of me
to right under this bridge.

The blade,
long and drawn out,
finds purpose in its kiss,
quenching itself,
every time it hits the red.

And like a convoluted river,
beautifully strange
and hidden in the wood,
she never knew my face.

For the lady
I gave no time to squeal,
this shall be her
final resting place.
Thomas W. Case Historical figure poetry Challenge. This older one fits perfectly.
He asked why Muslim women wear a  veil (cover themselves completely.
The priest took two sweets from his pocket,
He removed the paper from one sweet and threw both sweets on the floor,
Then he asked,"Which one would you pick?"
Of course the one with the cover.
That's what Muslim men prefer.
No, I do not  know the next time I’ll be out,
Especially, not with you
Things never said, so much doubt
Don’t ask me.
Such superficial encounters are no longer of interest
Lay it to rest
I am not your “go to” when things  go west
No,I do not miss you
You took for granted how I placed you on a pedestal back in the day
Just to see your insecurities bleed through, you pushed me away
And now you want to pull me in to Your loneliness
Don’t ask me
No, I am not free,
Just because you drove from Chicago to entertain yourself here
I’m sure there are plenty of other girls for you to endear
Don’t ask me
writing from a place of growth and self-love
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