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Last night
she said I was cold.
Surrounded in a halo of frost.
It burnt her fingers
as she dared to touch,
but there was little there.
Just … frost-bite,
and the sense
that she was alone in the room.
In body I was there,
but the Boat of Millions of Years
was sailing through my eyes
to the intended destination,
my lost mind.
She called to me
but I was to far to hear.
Down her soft cheeks
the tears did stream,
as she screamed my name
over and over.
She screamed until
the screams turned to sobs,
as the slow realisation
that I no longer knew her,
knew me, knew anything,
hit her like a wave of grief,
freezing her emotions dead.
Last night
she said I was cold.
And I was cold
because I knew that it was
our Last Night.

© Pagan Paul (16/02/20)
A candlelit rage
Dances in Shadow and Light
Flickering our flame.
I meticulously scrub every last inch of the clean floor. Then I do it again because two is a lucky number. On to the windows.
The sills demand a toothbrush and dedication. The rugs insist on constant attention. I pick up errant ants in the cupboards.

I search for more dust or dog hair or whatever seems to clog the way, always using the preferred tool for each cleanup at hand.
Same treatment everywhere, every day. Counting and repeating ad nauseam. A compulsion, a genetic twist, a lifetime sentence.
Children of my womb,
Born unto me,
Your every part and emotions are a part of me,
Precious and sensitive.
When you are hurt or wounded,
I bleed inside me,
The pain in your eyes I share with mine,
Praying you will have a better tomorrow.
By now you must have realized,
The reason for my yell,
Is I cannot bear you suffer,
The screams you hear now and then,
Are the anguish of my heart to see you safe and sound.
When you cry on lonely nights,
I respect your wish to be alone,
But, it is my tears I wipe on the pillow clutched tightly in my arms.
Your tears, emptiness and sorrows tear me apart,
I share your triumphs along with your dreams,
Your joy and laughter,
Which you can witness in my smile,
And a proud gleam on my face.
After all I am a mother.
Writing my own ticket…
a coupon from the past

The numbers all decoded,
my gate approaching fast

Walking down the gangway,
my seat by fortune cast

The pilot sitting next to me
—the flight plan mine at last

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)
no fancy words this time
no exaggerations or tired rhymes
i'm too tired to function or argue tonight
blame me for all the bad like
i wanted to make you cry
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