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TyBeauty Jan 2019
Here to stay
Aware demons
Need soar
I'm worth the challenge
Apart or torn

I'm worth fight
Either all
Or destroyed
To save you
I don't fear

I have who is with me
As long you are
TyBeauty Jan 2019
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
TyBeauty Jan 2019
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,
to know good and evil:
and now, lest he put forth his hand,
and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.”
God knows Best. He conceived the preceivecd it is not your story it is His your just apart of it. To succeed in belief is to have faith in His glory.
TyBeauty Jan 2019
Indirect at its best
No it's not me
It's up to you
To decide
What you believe

He told you once
Told you twice
To take his hand

Fear in the way
Of His stance
To build upon
In a friend.
TyBeauty Jan 2019
Patience is a virtue at its core
No matter what happens
Keep holding on
He holds the keys
To all destiny

So when its time
To close a door
Ask for mercy
Ask for peace
Ask for guidance
To help you see
To make your next move
Will at its best
Life is a treasure
Game of checkers and chess.
TyBeauty Jan 2019
I'm going to take the advice
**** who ain't apart of my life
Either you understand or you don't
and if you don't then move along
I don't need enable in my stance
I'm ****** to be a better Man
When I rise to the top
I'll wish you well
I am who I am
I understand
Who was riding with me
When I land.
TyBeauty Jan 2019
To obtain elements to follow the drift to resurface the experience is to ask best of He who knows to seek in which path to go.

To He I surrender abide and give you my heart to save the one that I truly love.
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