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1.1k · Jan 2019
The Overthinker
Heather Jan 2019
Memory goes
where endless stretches of plains –
in ochre, beige, cocoa, tan and brown,
touch clear azure horizons,
cows drift like freckles on land,
limitless university; expand,
take ownership of homes
belonging to others, a broken record
of history repeating—
images create images
one takes the place of another,
whispered voices
in depths of night where
only prayer is truly welcomed...
come into this sea
of regret, this ocean of desire
when is the right time
to cry out in despair
beg an answer
or need warmth that comes
only from a smug
knowledge of righteousness
and power.
Heather Jan 2019
Today forecasts rain, maybe a remnant of a hurricane
Umbrellas – check, Purse with moola – check,
Umbrella stroller (just in case) – check, we venture
out into the breezy air of Virginia,
As we walk, mother and child, along the path between
Tidewater and Prince Ann Road, I recollect myself;
Follow a pattern as familiar and whimsical as a kaleidoscope
that small forest marks a pathway - a three-way landmark -
my cute apartment complex,
a nearby community college,
a store with the lion emblazoned on the front.
As quickly I turn to scan my small daughter
who has again let go of my hand
for a private adventure of her own.
With worry and affection I walk back to grab
her small, soft hand,
and she looks up, and says,
“I think there's someone living in the forest!”
Glancing up into emerald trees, I see nothing, but I smile,
grab her hand, laugh at her imagination.
We continue our trek over a winding road
Prince Ann-- a queen mother and
her toddler princess.
#VirginiaBeach #walking #mother&child
303 · Dec 2019
Where Moss Grows
Heather Dec 2019
There is a place hidden
deep within the forest
Where the moss grows
Dark emerald green
a pride of trees gather
to conceal those green, growing things

Places above the forest floor
birds raise their young
living fragile though unafraid
the cricket and the whippoorwill alike
Find a home on the forest floor

All the sweet smelling grasses
Grow uninhibited while
A soft gentle rain, a shower
Nourishes life beneath the sun

Leaves, trees and grass
soft to the touch let footsteps roam
Above the branches lift high a canopy
To shield all those below
From a storm or sudden shower

While a rainbow is born
consummate of rain with sun
Sweet smells grow sweeter still
Mingling and mixing in green places
Where the moss grows
Where nature exists is where I find real peace of mind.
272 · Dec 2019
Ode to the Sky
Heather Dec 2019
Blue sky, bright sun
endless as creation
the light of these
as bright as these
return me to the one
when life and love
must re-evolve
greatest faith can come
much more than moon's
reflection of the sun
When life must end
another life begins
complete this circle
and begin again
235 · Jan 2020
New Life Year
Heather Jan 2020
Starting this New Years
off with a poem
a flourish of my 'pen'
I have no idea if it will be my last
or a continuation
of a single lifestream
hoping all will go well – at least
better than it's been
lose a few pounds
so I'll be light on my feet,
get my mind straight,
strong and sweet
grounding my emotions
with a focus on the goal
do some meditation that
will make me whole
This Mother of Intentions
is not paved to hell
it's a promise I make to God
so in truth time will tell
Praying for world peace
sending charity to some poor
shaking my fist along
just social movements
helping lift burdens
adding my light to a great light
of angels chorus in heaven
hoping this chance, a beginning
will not be an end,
but a reason to renew again.
A New Year's resolution.
234 · Apr 2019
Heather Apr 2019
This Day something good will happen –
wish it, or not, doesn't matter,
yet these words call a Catalyst
upon all, but mostly those in need
not greedy or complaining, patiently
expecting relief, smilingly in faith
to you; good fortune, just a sprinkle great enough
to empower, enrich, enliven 95%
a majority among majorities.

Blessings galore fall like rain, snow,
each held by a miniature angel,
for all needy, true, beseeching,
living creatures, male and female.

This is not a dream, theory, guess or
premonition. It is the truth.

Ultimately, it will be the poor who
will, by any means necessary, inherit the earth.

Sprinkle, O Catalyst, upon all those
of the world, oppressed, shivering
miserable, homeless, destitute, elderly, young,
all those and most of all, victims
of violence, injustice, racism, overlooked
by one percenters,
this on behalf of you, for you -- wealth,
vitals, food, bills paid, may all these
receive from Universe every need,
be blessed, free, not simply survive,
yet always thrive in cooperation
with a divine motive, for there isn't
a minuscule space within this world
not inhabited by a Answer to a Need,
a queue exists.

Expose a revelation of an unseen nature.

Today, someone in the heavens or the earth
gets their need or wish.
If it's you, spread your joy to someone else.
119 · Dec 2019
The Bird
Heather Dec 2019
Millions of iridescent colors
hues upon hues upon kaleidoscopes
sighing praying singing names of Allah
millions of tongues and billions of harmonies

Walk through light into dark
walk through darkness into lightness
far away as the eye can see
time is one entity

I saw my reflection on a pool of light
a new me reborn in the sunlight
I change, I evolve, I reinvent myself
Time is one entity

I wish to return to the past's comforting
I wish for change to never regret
I wish for the courage to live my best life
Time Is One Entity

I see myself change, a child on the lam
reflections of truth to life’s eye
I see myself growing up, the fear falls away
Time is one Entity
Experimental poetry.
112 · Jan 2019
Space Angel
Heather Jan 2019
Drift ,O Angel, fast light fleeting
You who have seen God's Throne
shudder, tremendous being
look with Awe upon brilliant veils,
fly fast for you are Many,
O heavenly Angel, few
understand life's purpose as you do,
This vast Universe with a zillion stars
will never perish so long as anyone prays  
once, twice or three times or more
Angel, never forget your sacred origin from creation
Fly freely and fast to the Divine home
a multitude shimmering
iridescent hues will come to you.
I'm a novice writer and any feedback will be appreciated, thanks!
98 · Aug 2024
Galaxy Dreams
Heather Aug 2024
Eons from now we'll see
iridescent auroras swirling
unknown stars and planets
we fly to a place that exists
between night and day.

We'll sip drinks
made from liquid stardust
sunlight and moonbeams
frozen by angel tears.
We'll laugh with beings
whose smiling faces
illuminate those black holes.

In another galaxy with you
everything is uplifted.
Hold my hand and walk with me
as millions of stars form a corridor
little twinklings all around
toward a podium of stars.
I wish to write more and better poetry. Please comment because your comments will help.

— The End —