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  Feb 2019 Breanna evans
not jealous
not boastful
not proud
not rude
not demanding of its own way
not irritable
not keeping record of wrong
not rejoicing in injustice
  Feb 2019 Breanna evans
dance little baby, dance up high,
never mind baby, mother is by;
crow and caper, caper and crow,
there little baby, there you go;
up to the ceiling down to the ground,
backwards and fowards,round and round
dance little baby and mother shall sing
with the merry coral ding ding ding
Breanna evans Feb 2019
it's said if you ain't first, you're last,
so I keep going 'til I crash
then wake the morning with a grin
to burn through all that **** again

I never wake up feeling good
but reason why is understood
although I know it brings me pain
i'm not complete if I don't train
Breanna evans Feb 2019
but I don't know how to
in a world where
not having money
is just another way to be dead
  Feb 2019 Breanna evans
Francie Lynch
It happens.
The name Francie works well with this poem.
  Feb 2019 Breanna evans
your worth is unmeasurable

its value is so high
yet so low

all it takes is
the right person
to determine
how much you’re worth

don’t let an unmeasurable soul
measure your worth.

don’t let one with an
unmeasurable worth
determine the value
of yours.
- don’t gift fragile hands with the power over your worth and be surprised of the repercussions.
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