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  Dec 2018 Zara
A life lived doing comparison
Is like arson...
Setting one's joy and happiness on fire!
  Dec 2018 Zara
I just want to stay in my bubble
To cleanse from the worldly pollution
To dig deep within my soul
To discover the man that I am meant to be

I just want to stay in my bubble
To love me, not by spending on myself
Not by acquiring material things
But by appreciating my pristine spirit

I just want to stay in my bubble
To process my thoughts
To exhale my fears, doubts and worries
To infuse myself with strength, courage and zeal
  Dec 2018 Zara
Brizar Poetry
There's glory in her story,
and buckets full of pain.
Once they tip over...
only emptiness remains

There's glory in her emptiness,
it sets her free.

There's glory in her heart
now that there are no limits to
what she sees.

There's no place to go.
There's no one to be.
  Dec 2018 Zara
Anaya c
i am absent with myself
because i am too busy
fulfilling the needs
of other people
i am emptying myself to fill you
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
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