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10.0k · Jun 2018
Circle of Life
David R Jun 2018
Round about is deep black darkness,
Darker than the blackest night,
Whispering deep 'n dreadful murmurs.
Bird dropped dead in midflight.

Blind and weeping, lifeless attle,
What you see is your own soul,
Burnt and weary from the battle.
Disenchanted from its goal.

In the ash, a spark she smoulders,
Crackling, rasping, wounded warrior,
Briars squeeze her neck and shoulders,
Suffocating in smog-fill'd air.

Deep within stagnating waters,
Crystal-clear elixir tear,
Movement rippling, life astir,
Phoenix rises from the slaughter.

Still she rises, Golden Daughter,
Fears no longer yonder fright,
Strength within from those who fought Her,
Blackest night turned brightest light.
Saturn and Sun
4.8k · Mar 2019
The Waterfall and the Stream
David R Mar 2019
In her dream, a cataract torrent
Crashes to effervescence,
Force and verve, vivacious apparent,
Shoots arrowed iridescence.

In reality, a rivulet meanders,
Blind to mountain, fountain and fell,
Downhill she flows, barely seen,
Pebbles 'n stones part of her scene.

Here she circumvents boulder and rock,
There gives way to shout and shock,
Hiding her head between her knees
She longs to lose herself in the seas.

I knelt down close to hear her cries,
Allowed her tears wash over my eyes,
Caressed her soft water with my hand,
Sprinkled her sweetness o'er the land.

'Sweet stream', I whisper'd, 'The waterfall you dream,
Lives through its awful roar ‘n terror,
But life lives not in its awesome scream,
Life lives not in its horror.'

'Without you, doe could not parch their thirst,
Frogs would not breed or dippers immerse.
Heavenly daughter, jeweled traverse,
One silent ripple is an angel's universe.’
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
3.6k · Oct 2018
Five Hours
David R Oct 2018
Fresh innocence,
Power aflower,
Baby experience
Your first hour.

Unaware, curious,
Shine 'n shower,
Child experience
Your second hour.

Visionary mystic,
Youth experience
Your third hour.

Tired 'n bitter,
Man experience
Your fourth hour.

Body bent o'er,
Spirit aflutter,
Codger experience
Your fifth hour.
3.3k · May 2021
Attempt at Suicide
David R May 2021
i climb the scaffolding
look down below
spirit faltering
will i die in the blow?

caffeine swirling,
dizziness whirling,
truth obscured

dry darkness,
unfeeling eyes,
dropping, heartless
out of the skies

failing, falling,
faster than water,
missed my calling,
embracing slaughter

but i'm still here,
didn't dare,
risk the fear
of devil's snare
This was a memory. At the moment I do not have suicidal wishes.
2.3k · Oct 2018
Ode to Trouble 'n Strife
David R Oct 2018
Nag, nagging,
Finger wagging,
Shoulders sagging,
Victim slagging.

Oh beration,

Cutting hemlock,
On her chopping block,
Spawning ad hoc.

Never ending,
Insult fending.

Pointless rounds
Of empty double-talk,
Wife, your name is
Self-styled wise hawk.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
1.9k · Oct 2018
Fork 'n Knife
David R Oct 2018
In grass of deception, the snake lies waiting,
With venom'd fangs, 'n jaws dilating,
Salivating, watching, baiting,
Sure to pounce, mutilating.

With forked tongue, she paints my heart black,
Sinks sharp talons into flesh o' bare back,
Drips her poison into my kidneys,
Cuts my innocence in myriad pieces.

My name is Silence; my job to suffer,
To make no sound, nor word to utter,
For though the dragon spits forth fire,
George'll guard himself from ire.
1.8k · Nov 2021
Menorah candle
David R Nov 2021
of light
in dusk
of night
on its
on perch
as moonlit
stub in stick,
whispering hope
prevailing in the end
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
1.6k · Sep 2022
Her Smile
David R Sep 2022
the nation's pride in graceful wave
delivered 'fore the thousands
the millions as they roared 'n raved
in worship smiles that roused them

from those ever graceful lips
kissed by Jove 'n Venus
that spoke the majesty of queenship
of love above sweet Eros

the smile that shone out from her eyes
with sincerity none could hide
of interest and intelligence wise
up welled from deep inside

no mawkish sentimentality
nor false, nor common rot,
her smile bespoke reality
a truth that G-d begot

Fare thee well, O gracious Queen,
never from nation forgot,
Farewell in flight to Heaven's Sheen,
To bind Celestial Knot
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
our esteemed Queen Elizabeth II my she rest in Peace
1.4k · Jul 2021
Life Recipe
David R Jul 2021
one spoon of forbearance
two of forgiving
will give you endurance
'n receipt for living
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
1.4k · Jan 10
The Fires of LA
David R Jan 10
dry as a beggar's over-parched throat
as an over-burnt piece of blackened rye-toast
as the golden sand in Sahara roast
was the air o' the day of the black death-note

as the air crackled with the laughter of death
and claimed the millions as it left bereft
daughters of the earth their heart a-cleft
from the breath of the devil with the head of Macbeth

Houses, untenable, ditched searing memories,
Turned sarcophagi from life and its treasuries
Scorched skeletons of sagas and histories,
Of family feuds, celebrations and victories,
Of open secrets and whispered mysteries,

Years of toil blest by gold sunbeams,
The laughter of babes and the giggle of teens,
Now fractured windows and ash blackened beams,
Skeletal remains of life and its dreams.
BLT Word of the Day Challenge #untenable
1.3k · Nov 2022
The Farcical Monks of Thai
David R Nov 2022
there was an old temple of Thai
whose monks just wanted to get high
so they got hooked on meths
but were exposed through their breaths
so they all bid their temple good-bye

now off they all went to rehab
to cure them of the sniff and the jab
but their bright robes and habit
of the monks and their abbot
made the inmates think they'd gone mad

"we're seeing orange" they said to the quack,
who put down his bottle of Jack,
said he, rather tight,
"i think you are right,
but the bottle is better than crack".
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
1.0k · Aug 2021
the dawn that never came
David R Aug 2021
"daddy's dying",
what did he mean?
daddies don't die!
don't be obscene

i looked at my father
so thin and so drawn
but he smiled with laughter
eyes like the dawn

but the dawn never came
for those smiling eyes
as G-d came to claim
his soul for the skies

we seldom appreciate
what we have or we own
until it's too late
and we're left all alone
1.0k · Apr 2021
On the first day ...
David R Apr 2021
On the first day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the second day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the third day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the fourth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the fifth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the sixth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the seventh day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the eighth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Eight pointless wars, seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the ninth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Nine last elephants Asian, eight pointless wars, seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the tenth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Ten million famishing, nine last elephants Asian, eight pointless wars, seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the eleventh day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Eleven million hectares deforesting, ten million famishing, nine last elephants Asian, eight pointless wars, seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea

On the twelfth day of maliciousness my true love gave to me
Twelve million tonnes plastic waste, eleven million hectares deforesting, ten million famishing, nine last elephants Asian, eight pointless wars, seven world-powers downplaying, six countries' electronic waste, five pandemic viruses, four massive oil leaks, three million toddlers' deaths, two ballistic missiles and nuclear waste in the Pacific Sea
David R Aug 2021
the concerto of the lake
that the falls and rapids make
the music of the sky
as the swifts and swallows fly
the melody of the fish
as their rainbow tails swish

are heard by pure of heart,
before it's torn apart
the callow, guileless, young,
they hear the rainbow sung
they hear the ballad o' sweet love
before the eagle eats the dove
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
768 · Jan 2022
Inspired by Glenn
David R Jan 2022
Some say jealousy is human nature,
some say it comes from ego,
others point to culture
dressed up in smart tuxedo

i say its source is ignorance
not knowing your own worth
and that makes all the difference
knowing you're precious on Earth

its opposite is not indifference
its antithesis is not compersion
if one seeks from this vice deliverance
its antidote is introversion.

but there's no need to be a hermit
to live on tropical island
to run from life or to quit,
look within! 'n find your diamond
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
760 · Jun 2022
Morning Dew
David R Jun 2022
blooming rainbows in dewy pearls,
on rivières with rosette curls,
on webs festoon'd, on leaves of tree,
tiaras hung on twined ivy

as the golden globe appears
shoots its rays as arrows' swirls
through sweet dawn's crystal tears
of opalescent mother o' pearls

on verdant fronds as they unfurl
like dripping tears of Slighted Girl
as pale moon that sunlight kissed
seeks Her Lover midst the mist

lost beneath the velvet canopy
of diamond strings as cherry burl
in the folds of world's entropy
in chorus of the morning merl
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
753 · May 2022
David R May 2022
in the song of robin and blackbird
Creator signs His Name
A name that can be seen and heard
by those who shun acclaim

in the work of scribe and artist
shines the inner being
in the music of drum or harpist
speaks the soul all-seeing

in the works o' nefarious schemer
in darkest destruction 'n death
in the silence that shouts like screamer
in absence of life-giving breath

walks the many-faced serpent schemer
for those with eyes to see
the signature of the anti-redeemer
antithesis of eternity

for every person stamps their name
in the deeds they do
igniting hellish fires 'n flame
or letting G-d shine through

so don't be flummoxed by this world
keep your eyes on your goal
for as cherry, almond, or walnut burled
your acts bespeak your soul
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#nefarious flummox
694 · May 2019
Transform the world
David R May 2019
the world
a door
to be opened

open the door,
fill reality
with light

it's dark down here

it's light up there
illumine the darkness

the light is me
is you
transform the world
674 · Jun 2021
true men
David R Jun 2021
he towered
as a majuscule,
his head in heaven,
in fields Elysian,

tiptoed I in his light
a shelter from the night
as the blind men shout
as the deaf men sprout

and true men are hidden
in the deep heights of heaven
within eternal time
shattering G-dless pantomime
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
673 · Jul 2022
Midnight Music
David R Jul 2022
As cat's whisker
Still thin silence,
Of no whisper,
In mute defiance
Of sick world
All Hell uncurl'd,
As soft she treads
'Mongst living dead,
Seeking, finds
Inviting minds
Musing, wades
Through depths of Hades.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
666 · Dec 2021
David R Dec 2021
Winter crept in through the back
he left the door ajar
and through the door blows bitter wind
from Canada and afar

with frosted wand he touches leaves
the climbing plants and trees
and leaves them all a-drooping
bereft of nature's weaves

with cape of grey and mountain black
he tiptoes through the shadows
and in a year he'll 'gain be back
to lay waste to field and meadows
659 · Dec 2022
My dear compadre
David R Dec 2022
My dear compadre,
We've been through it all,
The trials and tribulations,
Laughter and tears.

You are my brother,
My ally and friend,
The one I can turn to
When the road seems to bend.

Our bond's unbreakable,
Our friendship like no other,
Ever grateful for you,
My dear compadre.

Through thick and thin,
Stood side by side,
Friendship's a beacon
In e'er-changing tide.

Honored to know you,
To call you my own,
My dear compadre,
Never alone.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge

This was mainly written by AI
651 · Jun 2022
David R Jun 2022
from far away i heard its cry
the fiery body in the sky

its loneliness, its fear of dark,
as it alone as Noah's ark
in perfect curve as elephant's tusk
sails the skies from morn till dusk

though all about on it depend,
the moon in shine, the planets in wend,
it knows not its own power
the energy it showers every hour

so too, my friend, you'll never know
the worth and warmth you endow,
upon all life that's round about
yeah, e'en on your bowing out

as star within the heaven's festoon
the silver dust that's liberal strewn
pulsates with unending light
so you, my child, shine so bright

so place a smile on those lips
and sail the sea as naval ship
let not the darkness you eclipse
your soul's music on this life-trip
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
566 · Oct 2018
David R Oct 2018
The Infinite beckons,
‘Come find Me
In the darkness
Of body, soul and mind.’

Body bloodied,
Soul sullied,
Mind muddied.

Voices swirling,
Muffled yearning.

The ego subsides,
The veils lift.

No myth or mist,
No separation or drift.

With open eyes,
Behold the Master.
556 · Apr 2021
David R Apr 2021
Brides of whitest, delicate lace,
Gowns immaculate, as snow their face
Softest pink, a blush to embrace,
Rose, as rising sun to race

Sheets of white, 'candescent as moonlight,
Waves of coral, leaves and floral,
Rows of candle, as calcic stalagmite,
Mauves 'n violet as wild wood sorrel.

So yon maidens of sweetest spring
Herald the Queen Summer's oncoming
Her nectarous drupe and fruit offspring
The bountiful boon she will bring.

Behold the language of your Beloved
Speaks in tongues of secrets vivid
Of kindness, giving, eternally sipid
Of warmth and fire, of ardour vivid

So when next you spy the verdant maidens
Bedecked finery, blossoms laden,
Whispering, bowing, to one cadence,
Know you see the One true Haven.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
552 · Aug 2022
the apple
David R Aug 2022
beautifully posed
as dancer rare
as angel composed
was the apple in the air

of rose and of yellow
the aura on its cheek
of luster that was mellow
with self-centered pique

as it twirled a pirouette
whirled wheel-roulette
aware of self 'n none other,
unaware of tree mother

unaware of outspread
the tree's branches overhead
giving all it has to give
its roots that let our apple live

for the apple cannot see
for eyes it has but none
till the day it is set free
to renew cycle begun

then will it learn of hidden power
as from small grows highest tower
then will it know what it means to set free
its fruit to live their destiny

as each new apple breaks away
breaks yet another heartstring
as tree tries best to look away
as 'nother fruit takes wing
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
534 · Apr 2021
Grasmere Lake
David R Apr 2021
Clambering o'er crag'd rendezvous
beheld I a jewel of sapphire hue
a hue as deep as heaven's blue
God's gift on earth, from Him to you

Surrounded by lush tree and plant
my breath surveyed the view in pant
Eyes as pools as yon intoxicant
Senses wanted to yell and rant

About the lake of Grasmere village
Seen from mountain's hill 'n ledge
From Loughrigg fell and softer terrace
From high above bluebell effloresce.

About a beauty that cast a spell
Of cerulean blue in emerald dell
A sweetness that one canna quell
The waters from God's Citadel.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
526 · Jan 2022
Time does not wait
David R Jan 2022
time is no palindrome
it does but forward go
as a ticking metronome
weight swinging to and fro

marking out a rhythm
as musician plays his tune
each note a ray from prism
that splits the boundless boon

of life that's everlasting
into the measuring spoon
to create a fresh new casting
new life from Infinite hewn
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
note: the first letters of each line rearrange to: "time cannot wait" [using nt twice]
526 · Apr 2021
Heavenly Tear
David R Apr 2021
do i think of interactions myriad
that crying causes when giving tears?
do i analyse my emotions and period,
the synaptic connections between the ears?

why then do i separate earthly rumble,
the earthquake, volcano, the earth crust crumble,
from the inner sigh that permeates
the earth's gyrations' dire straits?

why are we deaf to the inner language,
the pain, expression, the spiritual anguish,
why do we dwell on science, logistics,
on physical mechanics, theoretical heuristics?

one tear, it is said, in the sea is shed,
a tear of pain of all mankind,
a tear of pain as blood that's bled
from carotid vein from heart to head

that tear causes the mountains to tremble,
the typhoons, tornadoes, and earth dissemble,
it's a tear of fear, of fright, of dread,
a tear that fears that love is dead.

it's a tear that waits, that longs to hear
the beating heart of humankind,
that's still awaiting one single tear
from human heart and human mind.

A tear that one day will turn to delight,
when man embarks on bold emprise
to seek the G-dliness that's in full sight
if only humanity would open its eyes.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
504 · Jun 2021
Nonsense Poem
David R Jun 2021
the strawberry blew a raspberry
and apple threw a pear,
the plum said 'i'll impeach you',
the vine said 'i don't care'.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge

Apologies for this.
Written under the influence of home-made absinthe!
503 · May 2021
Darkness of Soul
David R May 2021
A mouse in a corner was I,
Wanting to hide or to fly
to a desert or forest enclave,
to a hill or mountain cave,

i had no idea why,
what turned me awry,
why black shadows haunted
day and night daunted

chased by terror and night of fright
as if the shadows could harm 'n bite,
never ceasing, no respite,
not e'en tiniest glimmer of light

i yearned self to deep-six
to sail along the river Styx
to escape, to run, aye, to leave
this place of little reprieve

i'm still running and will continue
till i learn my lesson of life
perhaps that G-d is deep within you
even when the darkness's rife
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
493 · Oct 2018
The boy
David R Oct 2018
Silent boy,
Face, melancholy,
Your brooding eyes
Tell a story.

Tell me why yon golden tears
Course a cherub's cheeks?
Why the sorrow of four-score years
Plows velvet in coarse creeks?

Sweet boy, speak out,
Tell us your pain,
What your eyes have seen,
Your heart, its bane?

The child, he looked,
His eyes, unseeing.
His soul abrooked
Torment in being.

'My father', he whispered,
'My father', he said.
'My father', he whimpered,
'My father . . .  he's dead'.
480 · May 2022
Violin Strings
David R May 2022
violin strings
taut to the touch
tremble, tremour and break

deepest springs
of holy smudge
turn grey, of form opaque

give us wings
a line to crutch
salve from exhausting ache

a balm from stings
from hurt too much
a limit to chafe we take

soul longs to sing
escape from hutch
to soar the skies as lake

reflecting King's
celestial drudge
the sun in morning's wake
477 · Mar 2019
Trying to work
David R Mar 2019
Mind's a fog,
Mud-fill'd bog,
Words dropping,
Then stopping.

Round in a maze,
Brain a-craze,
Dithering haze,
Maybe a faze?

Pass some coffee,
Still the drossy,
Open-eyed zombie,
Trying to work.
474 · Nov 2021
David R Nov 2021
lemon and lime fill the air
bedeck the boughs with sunshine glare
deck the earth with golden stair
before Lord Winter lays all bare
471 · Mar 2022
Tears of Blood
David R Mar 2022
blue velvet
eternal sea
royal curtain
'I am that be'.

devil incarnate
shatters the peace
muscle of hate
venom'd release

scarlet tears
human blood
Ancient of Years
buried in mud

metal and powder
pierce the external
but no earthly power
can stop the eternal

for yet from chagrin
shall salvation sprout
as new world begins
and old world will out.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
459 · May 2021
Look Happy
David R May 2021
A smile is the sun
emerging from grey cloud,
the aroma of baked bun,
that wafts through street 'n crowd,
as splendid as tawny fox,
lounging lazy, loud 'n proud,
as sky of equinox
after rain of stormy cloud,
as the cool wind on the rocks
of cliff 'fore climber's truckle,
as the scent of perfum'd phlox,
of sweet Jasmine 'n Honeysuckle,

so why let a black mood
chouse you out of the day
when a small smile brightens all
and shoos the cobwebs away,
a person is as person does,
it's not the thoughts that make us,
it's what we choose to make us buzz
that can build or break us.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
448 · Feb 4
Silver Whispers
David R Feb 4
In the shadowed streets that sigh
Under burden of human cry,
From the troubled hearts that weep,
As secrets silent sleep.

There flows a river where flowers bloom
On banks of gold and verdant plume,
Where zaftig earth finds its voice,
In nature's sweet rejoice.

And as the dawn in crimson hue,
Breaks on world refreshed anew,
Sun of hope and prayer true
Sparkles silver yon pavements' dew.
BLT Word of the Day Challenge, Feb 4, 2025, #zaftig
448 · Jun 2019
Shining Iridescence
David R Jun 2019
Try to paint in words
The experience of G-d's Presence

Hear His whisper
In your mind
Iridescent shining rainbows

Warmth and love
Where self has no place

You have the choice
To draw near
To disappear

And who can say no
445 · Oct 2021
Joy and Hope
David R Oct 2021
near the water, 'n verdant rushes,
on a summer evening late,
hiding 'neath the dog-rose bushes
where pond-skaters feed and mate,
on the slithery grassy *****
above the bank of sand
there I saw Joy and Hope
sitting hand in hand

ere the golden crimson sun
had disappeared 'neath the waters
ere the twilight had begun
ere daylight sought its quarters
I heard the sound of echo'd laughter
as ripples in the water
as a melody from hereafter
sound of Joy and Hope that sought her

gone were the works of man,
steel and concrete temple,
gone were the ordered plans
of buildings regimental,
gone were the pinks and greys
of black 'n urban roadways,
all i saw was light of day
aflame with gold, salmon sun-ray
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
437 · May 2022
Broken World
David R May 2022
stick it together with sellotape
hide the cracks as best you can
as long as it stays in rotund shape
leave the mess for another man
433 · Feb 2022
David R Feb 2022
Dishevelled he stood, unable to speak,
from years of abuse in youthful upkeep
the years of admonishment had taken their toll
reduced to obsequious, lugubrious soul

the once-happy boy, unable to opine,
or quip in humour, save garble and whine,
decades would pass before he'd undo
and jettison the harm taken years to accrue

now he stood dumb, bewildered and slow,
top ziggurat of abuse, debilitating blow,
still, gentle flower, a gem unscratched,
as new-borne babe, chick freshly hatched

unprimed, unready, for onslaught of world,
the cruel schadenfreude, the evil unfurled,
the juggernaut of malevolence, of intemperate hurt
that would crush gentle flower, dissolve into dirt.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#dishevelled, admonish, obsequious, lugubrious, opine, quip, garble, jettison, ziggurat, debilitating, schadenfreude, juggernaut, intemperate,
430 · Oct 2018
My True Love
David R Oct 2018
I danced with Him that night,
Heart alight, light, so bright,
He was close to me that night
As I held Him so tight.

What will be this next year?
Will we drift asunder?
Will He my love remember? (and I Him?)
Will I plummet? Will I flounder?

He was close to me that night,
The spirit in my hair,
As I swirled with Him so light,
His Spirit in the air.

My heart it beats His song,
Though the distance between us grows,
Though I know it'll be so long,
Before my arms behold His wonder.

Do you know of Whom I speak,
He Whose Name I dare not whisper,
He Whose closeness intoxicates me?
Oh, my G-d, I swear I'll miss Ye.
426 · Apr 2021
David R Apr 2021
E ndless wisdom of no bounds
H ewed space, no light, no sound
Y ielded self yet self surrounds
H eart pulsating life abound

Y ou see the end in the beginning
H iding death in the living
V oid shapen through Your giving
H ome to Heaven through forgiving

A ir and fire, water, earth,
D eath 'n life, endless rebirth,
N ature nurturing name of worth
Y earns in You to find safe berth
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
417 · May 2021
The old man from Calcutta
David R May 2021
there was an old man from Calcutta
who talked as he ate bread 'n butter
but caused a combustion
when oration waxed fustian
and he started to cough and to splutter

As his cough started getting much worse,
he started to rant and to curse,
his face turned red
'fore he dropped dead
and his bread came up in reverse

then his breath came back all-a-flutter
and he sat up and started to mutter
from now on i declare
in pronouncement and swear
i'll not eat any bread with my butter

So this poor old man from Calcutta
would just eat his butter with butter
till he became overweight
and hit Pearly Gate
that poor fat old man from Calcutta
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Apr 2021
A wizard from Tunbridge Wells
made matzoh with his spells
but instead of water
he added his daughter
and couldn't get rid of the smells

so this wicked 'un from Tunbridge
Decided to take umbrage
at his lack of sense
at his daughter's expense
'N fell into an apoplectic rage

He ranted and raved with such yells
the snails took refuge in their shells
till he jumped in the bray
of his daughter's fray
the old wizard from Tunbridge Wells
written for a friend of mine from TW
412 · May 2022
To alleviate problems
David R May 2022
When fixes don't seem possible
'n problems appear insolvable,
just shine your light as best you can
and you'll see a little miracle

your inner brokenness gets healed
as shadow to sun must yield,
for from within, shines spark of Man
your infinite soul revealed
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
411 · May 2021
Crying out loud
David R May 2021
Like fresh ice-cream
a newly baked cake
the ripple of a stream
the stillness of a lake

Is innocence untouched
Purity unsmutched
'Fore world makes inroads
'N virtuosity erodes

Now life's been hurdled
'n the cake's gone stale
the ice cream's curdled
and from the lake, a wail
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
406 · Mar 2021
Rising twilight
David R Mar 2021
A veil drapes lightly
O'er mist beyond,
Existence unsightly
Across the pond.

Leaving this jacket
Blood, tear and toil
To rot 'mongst maggots
In dirt 'n soil.

Self and light,
Rid of material,
Rise at twilight
To world ethereal.
398 · May 2019
David R May 2019
I wondered through the darkness,
Saw half-naked shadows
Flit through desolation.

Tiptoe over corpses,
Shake their head in disbelief
At human folly.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
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