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Science is son of poetry
Psychology, daughter of sea
Wind is father of religion
Earth's mother, the fire engine.
Through the self-centered rhythm
Light and twilight saddle me
In the ring of solarium
Temper of seasons suckle me.
Tomorrows and yesterdays are
Torches and candles of the Time
House of here and heavens of far
But cradles in Space paradigm.
there will be tears,
there will be screams
there will be whispers
there will be dreams.

there will be chaos
and there will be confusion
there will be problems,
until you find a solution.

there will be fake;
and there will be real faces
there will be competition
and there will be races.

there will be angels
and there will be devils
there will be practises
and there will be levels.

there is always reality-
and there is always your vision
so don't ever think
that you're trapped in a prison

you might think that
you have no scope
but remember one thing
that there will always be hope .
No matter where on what stage of life you are , remember whenever you are stuck there is always a way out.
╰⊰✿´ℒ♡ⓥℯ '✿⊱╮
Coffee-soaked ladyfingers
Sweet amaretto
Mascarpone, eggs, sugar =
thick vanilla cream
Layer on fingers
Dust cocoa
Nineth Epulaeryu, yay! ^-^
I absolutely love Tiramisu -  I usually use Amaretto for the base; the liqueur is a sweet and a tad bitter, with a hint of dark ***. It's mmmwwaaahhhhh!
A definite "pick me up" on a ****** day! ^-^
My sweet tooth is crazy lol
Lyn ***
He that gave me Faith,
Taught me the importance of prayers,
Showed me the humblest way to live.
In place of darkness, light he gave,
From him,I learned how to swallow my anger,
To forget and forgive.
He was my angel in disguise during my darkest hours,
He scared away the demons lurking in my nightmares,
He held me close when I needed him most.
He was kind and gentle but,firm and strict,
He was a stickler for cleanliness,
Spring cleaning was a groan,
Our allotted chores had to be ***** and span,
He checked to see they were done as he wanted.
You should see his face when we failed or skipped our homework,
He sat dejected in a corner crying his heart out,
Asking again and again where he had failed,
So we always tried our best to work hard.
His only weakness was to watch T.V. and play video games,
He also loved to pull mum's legs,
For us weekends were for outings after we had finished our chores and homework.
He was my very own special dad,
A wonderful human being I was lucky to get.
One of God  blessing was to have a father like him
===== ^=====              
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A telegraph pole is being
hugged by her leafy branches.
An expression of a mothers
pride at her wee cone who
was taken away in the storm,
but returned home years later.

Now, would you be looking
at him, a fine upright lad who
didn't  forget where he came
from and well connected
too, by the looks of him.
Harrowing hollow within ones chest  
Heads chaos  
an overwhelming mess  
Sleep deprivation here to stay
Emotional well-being has gone
Wishing for thoughts and feelings of yesterday
We are never
  so afraid

As when frightening

That face in the mirror,
  the one that won’t leave

A shadow looming over
  —eternity’s sleeve

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
 Aug 2018 sheila sharpe
She lived and loved but never learned to love herself
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