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 Apr 2020 Sebastian Hale
"you must be a diamond"
they've told you
since the day you were born

but you
are simply
not a diamond

cruel pressure forges
this sparkling gem
unbreakable and perfect
and always satisfactory

beloved for
the way it shines
unbeatable and flawless
and always worn with pride

but you
are simply
not a diamond

water and nurture grows
an intricate plant
vulnerable and passionate
and always learning; growing

beloved for
the way it blooms
imperfect and stunning
and always ever-changing

but you
are simply
not a diamond

you're shaped by the seasons
which bring pain and strength
while diamonds are cold
you are warm

you inhale and you exhale
and feel and make mistakes
while diamonds are dead
you are alive

you bring life and art
and love to this world
like a rock never could
and that you could never know

you are worth
more love and pride
than a rock ever could
and than you could ever know

because you
are simply
not a diamond

you are so much more

dear Kaitlyn,

you are simply not a diamond
no one is and no one should be
don't treat yourself like one

you are so much more

your friend, efni
 Apr 2020 Sebastian Hale
 Apr 2020 Sebastian Hale
The wind ruffles,
The city sleeps.
This judgement isn't yours,
But is made to keep.
What does one wish?
Upon the eternal moon.
To wash away its sorrows,
With the rain of monsoon.
If you love, I will adore more than this
If you ignore, I will ignore more than this

She says, you have to suffer more
is there anymore, more than this?

These are eyes which can cry
Heart is sore more than this

The tree under which we used to sit
was green before, more than this

She has a doubt that I don't love
I can't be sure more than this

She asked while salting my wounds
"Are you happy or more than this?"

I am scared, your mom may come
Please close the door more than this

Time is bad which plays games
You always score, more than this

You are amazing as you are now
and on dancefloor,more than this
All Rights Reserved
Oh dear flower,
Your scars should be your strengths,
Only then you don't have to fear for stroms.
 May 2018 Sebastian Hale
The mind of that girl is a pain sanctuary
whose aching decreases due to a world that's imaginary.

From home she goes out to get away,
and all those nights in stranges she relies.

The soft morning breeze
tenderly dries the tears in her cheeks,
and childishly it peeks
through her bloodshot eyes looking for a trace of peace.

Nobody could really tell
if she, bones and flesh, is still alive
or if she's just a wanderer ghost.
Probably the only one of her kind.

The dark circles under her eyes
are a proof of the restless crying nights.

The tangled auburn messed up hair
tells she didn't sleep at home, but no one cares.

Picking up flowers on the way back home,
humming songs that once made her feel whole.
She rests for a few hours and once awake she grabs a pen,
she writes down a poem before she gets drunk again.

Somehow she finds calm
in the simple things of life,
and she tries not to think
about the coldness in her eyes.

Barely getting through, day by day,
trying not to be absorbed by all the grey.

Amassing countless heartbeats
to the final point where life she quits.
If I may talk
about wishes,
and desires
Wanting comfort,
the feeling of
being loved
How one's arms
and their embrace
speak to you
about everything
you've been wanting
to hear
Dreaming of happiness,
and pleasures
How one's existence
and their presence
breathes life
to you
If I may talk
about wishes,
and desires
I'd talk about you.
When it comes to you,
it is not about
the word 'happy'
I am talking about
It is about how the
world turns,
or the night changes,
and the sun rises
It is about your hand
that keeps me sane,
or your smile,
and how it teaches me
about missing someone
It is not just happiness
you give
It is about how
grateful I am
to have the privilege
of loving you.
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