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You know it's funny to think you would bring this upon me
An obsession that is driving me to the edge
Classmate at first glance and soulmate with deeper inspection
Beauty on the outside and mystery within

As I sip on this wine I look into your eyes
Some roses and a glimpse of euphoria is what I see
Your nature matches a silent film
Quiet, but impactful

My only anticipation is your reciprocation
A one way desination
You're more than a weekend vacation
Don't mistaken my straightforwardness for desperation
I'm beyond obsessed with you
 Dec 2017 Christina Kelly
 Dec 2017 Christina Kelly
i was your mirror
you stood there and pondered
you laughed, i laughed
you smiled, i smiled
you cried, i cried
but when you hurt me, you shattered me and broke me in half

the mirror was our trust
shining and filled with lust
but now it is shattered into pieces
gone forever...
even when i tried to piece us back together you can still see the broken creases
 Dec 2017 Christina Kelly
I drove past your house the other day
Where you and i
Would lay for hours
On top of the old roof
Where the sunlight would kiss your face
As the sun set itself to sleep every night
Old friends share greetings with beer
And when the alcohol
Starts to course itself through my veins
Like a blend of colors mixing in a river bend
It helps me numb out the memories of us here
To temporarily mend
Some days
I forgot my sadness exists
And it doesn't hurt when you don't call
But sometimes
I get choked up
Over the sound of your voice
When I replay your missed calls
Like the old broken record
We found in your house that one time
The one that I drove past the other day
Everyone thought where goeth
those three wise men
following a Christmas star,
Perhaps going to see a friend
They all surmised

Little did they know those three wise men
were going to visit a new born king
and gift him, lovely gifts
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
gifts befitting a king of kings

And the special Christmas star
was leading the way, directing their path
shining ever brightly on a velvet blue sky
And twinkling in their eye
 Dec 2017 Christina Kelly
May these vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk,
this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade
like the date palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
our every day a day in paradise.
May this marriage be a sign of compassion,
a seal of happiness here and hereafter.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcomes the moon in a clear blue sky.
I am out of words to describe
how spirit mingles in this marriage.

— The End —