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Mike Groves Jun 2018
We're too focused to take a breath,
to revel in the breeze,
we'll chase this to our death,
rather than our dreams,
Our search for happiness and adventure gone,
instead we bide our time,
wait around til we're 65,
then we can be truly alive.

our sense of adventure traded for small escapes,
were it up to us would we choose this fate?

We lose sight of our connections,
our relationships being built on proximity
rather than intimacy.

When did we become so concerned with this disease,
this great epidemic,
spreading with ease,
Like a wildfire crackling up, branch to branch,
setting flame to the trees.
I hope one day we'll all see
that being too busy will **** our society.
We'll turn from this and choose to share,
Love will be the priority,
but you get to choose,
so choose wisely.
Mike Groves Jun 2018
This thing I thought I could grasp,
Desperately I try to hold on to it,
This thing I never had,
I knew this illusion wouldn’t last,

It disappears as soon as we reach for it,
It’s as thin as the mountain air,

For a moment we lie to ourselves,
placing it securely and safely on a shelf.
Even though it is a forced perception, A contrived illusion.
Once we leave the room...
As soon as we lock and bolt the door...
we wont see it anymore.

We never realize the freedom there is in letting go,

We would be happier admitting this concept is completely fictitious.
We could break this circular pattern, this cycle so vicious.

I've spent too much time trying to hold it in my hands,
Making myself the victim of my own laid out plans.
Mike Groves May 2018
What! What are you saying ? How can I be?
I must overthink I must display my needs,
I must be continuously in my worry,
In this very situation I can not save me
Certainly not but can You, Can YOU save me?
Will my life end in the middle of this race?
Will I have continually fallen from Grace?
Do I have what I need? Do I have the Faith?
Yet again stuck in my worry shouting
Will you remember me will you save me
Will YOU save me from the, Lonely?
But I hear the same thing,
the same thing that has been repeating,
Just Be

The day that I met you was the day I could be,
No longer am I riddled with anxiety,
if I had never known your love,
I would've never been set free, Sentenced to serve my life as a slave,
looking for my next step in this unending race,
The death sentence of living by my accolades,
Cursed to value my life by my own pride, but I hear the same thing,
the same thing that has been repeating,
Just Be

So ironic that what should have been a casualty,
Would save me from a dark reality,
What is this that God has given,
That God has given to me;
The poetry has a way of setting me free,
Releasing my soul and letting me breathe,
Much like an outlet or true therapy,
Keeping my trepid and jumpy heart steadied,
The darkness will leave me just like energy,
Following the same laws as entropy,
For His will is greater than mine is for me,
The pressure released I hear Him say,
Just BE.
Mike Groves Oct 2017
For One brief moment I found this love
This love that I had heard of
This love that heals all things;

This love that floods my soul
Like the water it finds all of the cracks
It breaks down these things I try to hold
Giving me the strength that my being lacks;

A boldness that drives through bitter cold

A bitter cold that I could keep
The one that my soul longs for, for me
So I can make excuses and stay asleep
But He took that away from me
For one moment I am free.
Mike Groves Oct 2017
I still love you
But you gave up
It became me working for us
You expecting me to do everything
No longer were we partners
But enemies stealing time from eachother
Youd ask me for a favor and Id give ,

Not realizing I couldn’t wipe these stains clearer,
Not realizing that guy in the mirror
Eventually it caught up to me

That man in the mirror, I couldn’t look at anymore
That man in the mirror, I didn’t know him anymore
Those scars that he bore were ones I never wanted to
Those sins he committed were ones I fought against
This man was everything I didn’t want to be
Yet everything I had to be
at least that’s what you told me

— The End —