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  Jan 2019 Britni Ann
I will let you
hate me
if that's easier
than loving me...
Britni Ann Jan 2019
Every day I sigh with a whisper.
“One day closer.”
I don’t know what I get closer too.
But when I have it I’ll sigh with relief  and instead whisper to myself.
Britni Ann Jan 2019
I told you the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
Something I have never even whispered  to the world.
Or even to myself.
You shed the same tears I did for years.
You asked the same questions I asked for years.
“Why haven’t you told anybody?”
“Why are you telling me now?”
I shrugged and looked out the car window.
“Shame is a funny thing,” I said softly,
“Telling someone makes it real”
I was hoping it was all a dream.
Now all I can think about is how someone knows.
And that I almost regret it.
Britni Ann Dec 2018
I’m getting older now.
20 years old.
Soon to be engaged.
Sooner to be a wife.
You wouldn’t think that I would get this far would you?
To be living, loving, forgiving, and forgetting.
There are still closet doors I do not open tho.
Still things I don’t tell anyone not even myself.
One, because I did not think it was real.
Two, because how could someone ever do that to a child?
And three, I was so ashamed of even thinking about that.
I’ve only told one person in my entire life.
But they still love me despite what you said.
Im not angry or sad.
Or ashamed or *****.
God made me new, God healed my brokenness.
So I guess that means you lost?
I’m smirking from afar.
As you now live with the shame and fear and doubt.
Fearing the same monsters in your dark closet.
Closed doors
Britni Ann Dec 2018
You are worried that I cannot live without him,
The thing is though that I can.
But why would I want to?

Why would I want to live without his smile?
Without his laugh?
The way he looks at me,
Like I am the only star in the sky.
Why would I want to live without him?
His gentle nature,
The firm way he holds me when I’m alseep.
He tucks me into his bed which he tells me will someday be ours.
And whispers to me that 2019?
That is going to be our year.
While he kisses me on the forehead and giggles like a little boy filled with joy.
Why would I want to love anyone else?
He shows me his demons and I show him mine.
He tells that he loves me anyway.
If something ever happened, and he left me like you did.
Would I make it without him?
But the point is, why would I have too?
  Dec 2018 Britni Ann
Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when everything isn't meant to be?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when there's no reason to be?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when everything points to the other direction?

Can you promise yourself to be happy
even when it's means having to be like me?
life ***** a lot at times. sometimes, that's all there is--no life lesson, or whatever. sometimes life just *****. and that's the end of it.
Britni Ann Dec 2018
Haven’t called in a year
Haven’t sent a package
Or a letter
Why not Dad?
Where are you?
Why do you always have to leave?
It’s not what Dads do
Please come home soon.
Tomorrow’s my Birthday
I’m turning seven
You promised you’d be back by now
But your not,
You missed my 5th, 6th, and now 7th
That’s three years
I wish you could try to come home by my next birthday
I write and talk to you every day
I hope you know that
I hope you talk to me too
And I hope you’re still alive
And tell me that you are
I have to go to bed now
It's morning your time
I hope you have a good day
And every day I remind myself,
That maybe someday
Somehow you will come home.
I wrote this after my father left. I was 12.
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