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  Aug 2021 Sharon Talbot
Aaron Combs
In the summer night, below the sunshine,
I met you darling, here, and all of your friends.

And like you're golden earring, you became my energy
the whisper to my night, the sparkle in the ocean deep.
And when we waited for the morning song of the sunlight,
from this time on, you became a part of Romania to me.

For below the skylit ocean, in Varme Vece
between the purple, red, and blue stars, and you.
In all the colors of the blue, I want you to
Remember America golden skies when I leave.

So in the "Glo"of the clubs, or light and fame
of another day when you lead in therapy,
and when you restore the might of the weak,
Or between the wine and dine, and good games,

in the same way, my dear, you know you can find meaning
From these summer nights or darker days -
from a broken heart, you also can be mended - you do know.  

So when you struggle and trying to find the words to say,
When you yourself feel lower than the ocean sand,
you can trace these memories, and search for my hands,
and fall in line and feel warm and safe in these summer days.
  Aug 2021 Sharon Talbot
Thomas W Case
And then
the night
comes flooding
in, like
a spilled beer.

Fear is a
rabid bat;

Loneliness is
an ice cube
in a bathtub

Love is a
flat toad in
the road of

Hope is a
broken dish,
an empty
a shattered dream.

Life is a sparrow
in the cat's mouth,
an abscessed
tooth, with no
It's a whale
in a frozen
an eagle in the

Insanity is
digging for the
courage to
day after
after day.
As a summer breeze rushes through the trees:
             Silence speaks

          As the ocean's waves
whisper to the moon to
               Silence speaks

           As nightfall comes and dark is deep
           Earthen creatures take rest and sleep:
               Silence speaks

           As winter's snow falls from the sky
            In piles the angels make merry where they lie:
              Silence speaks

           As autumn's chill brings vibrancy
            In cinnamon rust, in burning orange as leaves 'fall' from the trees:
              Silence speaks

        Even death rains memories so loud
        Like thunder - lightning from a cloud:
             Silence speaks

Silence has never been quiet
Silence is very loud
Sharon Talbot Aug 2021
You sleep in a golden box, it seems,
On India patterns of rose and tangerine.
The brightening sky sends amber light
Through ecru lace and lowered blinds.
I imagine your lithe limbs stretched out
Beneath the coarse blanket you love.
Your rustic side has always shied
Away from luxury and ease.
Sometimes you even refuse to eat,
So I tempt you with a favorite repast
Things meant to break unwarranted fast.
And often, I ask you to show me
Your lean limbs and boyish length.
As you poise upon the scale
That balances youth and strength.
But at night you leave our tryst
And drive a phaeton of amethyst
To a place no longer gold,
Where you make diamonds out of coal.
Where they drain you 'til day is dawning
And batter down your soul.
Yet it seems you revive each morning
In your pretty box of gold.

July, 2021
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