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Running, searching, seeking, looking for that sign
The one that says your welcome, please come inside
The sign that says your wanted
The sign that says your mine

Running, searching, seeking looking for that sign
A red rose resting on piano keys
A man who has fallen to his knees
A man with love in his eyes

Running, searching, seeking looking for that sign
A gentle kiss on your lips
A hug to say everything is OK
A smile to hold you for a while

Running, searching, seeking, looking for that sign
The one that says your welcome, please come inside
The sign that says your wanted
The sign that says your mine

Running, searching, seeking looking for that sign
I found my sign upon the door
It said look inside if your looking for more
Go on be brave take a peep and you will forever be mine to keep
Peace is the still waters
of space and time
that no longer
ripple in my mind,
sweet stillness.

But your boulder
bounces from
the bottom up,
splashing and splattering
all that brain
that matters to me.
Till, I am unable to think clearly.

Peace is a pleasant memory,
a space where I find
a specific a place or time,
and revisit them
when I close my eyes.

your heavy presence
shifts the soil
which these memories
sit in,
and their sediment
is swept away
by the currents you create
when you intrude
upon my day.

Peace is detachment
from toxic connections,
but my heart can’t
release them
when they keep returning.
to me you are a star of gold
a glowing asterisk
I wish I could hold
though you seem so far away
I truly wish we could meet some day
but alas we shall only meet
through our words,
spilling and falling across this page.
we are the unseen family
bound by art
which is better
because we dwell in the heart
 Dec 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
hey, it's me again
i'm just calling to say
that the sunset
reminded me of you tonight
so enticing
and beautiful
but at the same time
so intense
and passionate
drawing me in
closer and closer
until i'm in your presence
and within a moment i'm
drenched in darkness
and silence

i stay
only because
the dazzling starlight
hidden in the rubble
of darkness
reminds me of
the moments before dusk
maybe i can't
get my mind off of you
but i swear
i'm letting you go
for real this time
 Nov 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
Did I touch you as I left?
That night of beer and music
Almost tipsy,
laughing good-byes

Backing into blindly
I felt an arm... a moment
guide me
before I all but fall
against you
Knew that warmth
of mass was male

You exhale
I sense your being--
By accidental intimacy
I come unglued
By your flirtatious
catch of eyes
in lowered light
By faint fragrance
of whatever it is
you've drunk or used
to put yourself together

glancing down

Women always look, though
however briefly
Anyone ever been to this pub?  :D
 Nov 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
The way you hold my hand is like a warm blanket reminding me of home
There is a seriousness to the way you play with my fingers
And the way you look at me, that I have to look away
I know that you're afraid that I might be a trick of the light
Even lightning that might strike twice
Something that you cannot grasp
Although I tell you my blood looks for solid stuff
I myself am made of wisp and air
Here is me being in your lungs as least
 Nov 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
My eyes are painted the color of my dying flesh to kindly remind my reflection that it will get rest in the end.
My veins are constant reminders of times when I shared blood and broke flesh.
Please don't mind my voice -- I swear it sounds best to the dead.
I'm sorry if I have vocalized too much regret, but I knew that you would be listening alone in bed.
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