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 Sep 2014 nat
Kayla McFarland
our love is my daily coffee
the first thing i look forward to
in the mornings.

the only difference
is that i can't add sugar
when our love is bitter,
and you've always had a thing
for liking your coffee black.
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
You say you're proud you're clean today
Yet you go back to your old ways
I look at you and see it's a reflection
Of my selfish days and
I realize it's me who's changed
There's two of us inside my head
Fighting for the chance to live
A wolf inside of my own brain
No wonder it's so difficult
This war within my mind I wage
No wonder I can't even think
Straight when the two halves of my heart Decide to break apart and
All I'm left with is the broken parts
Lying on the asphalt
Freeway crashes in my head
Locomotives in my brain
Is it my thoughts or is it a migraine
It's all the same
I'm on a train
Going no specific place
I desperately want it to be a dream
Maybe if I stop thinking
It will all just go away
Drown my thoughts with mindless
Music so I lose track of the pain
My motives aren't insane
They're just a little out of place
I look at my reflection
I can't even recognize the face
Time to make amends
Attempt to fix the broken things
Shattered pieces vaguely
Remind me of all the times my wings
Failed me
I need somebody to save
We can get a little crazed
When we don't know when to stop
And I will crack open Pandora's box
And let the contents out
Right about the hour that I find the clock
has lost it's power
Sour consciousness distracts me from the task that is at hand
Focus on the destination
And enjoy the journey
It will never go as planned
But we can plan to make it worth it

 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
You were electricity running through my veins
but the power lines broke
now I'm left in the rain;
with only the sound of thunderstorms
with you nowhere to be found.

 Aug 2014 nat
you felt like music in my bones 
then suddenly you changed keys 
i was out of tune 
and we forgot the words
it's four o'clock on monday morning
and all that's left
is the memory of your head
on the pillow next to mine
it was here
like this
that we used to listen
to all my favorite records
but I can't now
because when the needle hits the vinyl
i start thinking of you
it's the early hours of the day
when the streaks of morning light
break across the clouds
that I realize
i'm not a morning person
i'm a mourning person

 Aug 2014 nat
your heart was always out of reach
and mine was always in your hands
but if you listen closely
you can hear my ribs cracking
to the rhythm of your breathing
your grip tightens 
my heart screams 
you laugh
i beg
you lie
we fight
"do you think I'll cry?" I ask
"you know I'll try" you counter
the sky darkens as you smile
nothing unusual 
i think about when I paced my halls
at three in the morning on a sunday
and how it was just like when 
you pulled me underwater 
and it felt like I was breathing fire 
and suddenly you're talking about
when we first met
in that church parking lot
when it started something
that was anything but holy
and I laugh at the irony
it was better than any poetry
i could ever write 

 Aug 2014 nat
Melody Jennings
I'm sick and I'm tired of these men always tellin me
I gotta be round, *****, curvy and sultry

To be down with the boys I must want all the novelties
They fantasize about in their minds, sprinkled with misogyny 

Lookin up and down, undressin me with droolin eyes
Can't walk across busy streets without feelin victimized

Violated in public, creeps sneakin peaks up my skirt
All cause I wore tight clothes with a lower cut shirt 

Is this all I am, some delectable tasty treat?
Just cause you think I'm delicious don't mean I want your meat
I'm vegetarian now, keep your distance please 
Only hungry for life and creativity 

Yearnin to grow and continue to educate
Myself even if that means makin mistakes

Already have media fillin my brain with these lies
Don't need to be feelin your hands up my thighs

No I'm not your girl, don't even wanna look at you
Cuz you'll misunderstand my glance for bein into you 

So what if you call me a ***** or a ****?
Don't care-I won't be the chick bustin your nuts

Just want my mothers and daughters and sisters to know
We're not created to give men any type of show
We're human beings capable of thinking and feeling
As well as making decisions, we have a purpose, a meaning
Other than getting all **** and appealing 

Silenced and bogged down by society 
Women ***** and murdered, blamed for their femininity

It's a shame men don't realize without us they would never be
We're the only *** on this earth capable of maternity 

As breeders of life we nurture and care
Yet our voices seldom heard, like we're not even there

It's time women put a stop to this ****** up ideology
That we matter far less than our male counterparts  - what equality?
Hating on feminism just because they don’t see
This world overflowing with double standards and ongoing dichotomy
Between the two sexes- sure it’s not how it used to be
But sexism runs rampant and will for eternity
Unless we all - men and women - fight against it globally.
Long over due. Inspired by a time when I caught a guy trying to look up my dress with his phone.
Watch me recite it here
 Aug 2014 nat
You told me you were scared
You ran your fingers through my hair
And grabbed onto my hand
"Please never let me go"

When you told me you were scared
You never said what of
I assumed it was from a dream
Or monsters in the closet

I now read the letter you wrote
Of what scared you most
It was the visions in your head
The thoughts of pain and ending it all

I now sit here reading the note you left
Telling me the things that scared you
That leaving me and hurting me
Were one of them

But now I'm scared and I don't have you
That was the last time
I fell apart in your arms
And felt free

 Aug 2014 nat
I didn't think much
of the way flowers wilted
until I watched you fade slowly out of my life
It was like watching the hands on a clock
Except these hands were knives
And soon enough
Our time had come
And you were cut from my life
I think I understand the sky now
And how it longs to touch the earth
But it can't
Because it would destroy
What it loves the most
Lately my mind has wandered
I'm not so sure of where it goes
But it always comes back
With bits of you
To pour into my thoughts again
I watched a train race by at midnight
My thoughts grabbed at you again
I don't think I've ever held you as tightly
As when I'm only remembering you

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