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 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
I've got midnight eyes
and she's got sunrise.
My horizon tries,
but it just can't break free
from dusk.
It dawns on me.
Just my luck.
Wish upon a star
but it won't change much.
She deserves a galaxy,
a constellation's touch.
The best that I could give her
is a distant light
and such
is not alright.

 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
I Rise
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
I rise
Chipping away at this ice
Finding my self-centered eyes
Reflecting lies
Flooded feelings from sinking
Glaciers within me
Rose-colored lenses
Blood on my hands
Fences in my mind
Senses on overdrive
The sky is upset
I try
But I can't fly
No more
My wings were cut and stored
Stories that were foretold
Maybe I got too close
The sun eclipsed
Into the ground I fell
Through the floor
Sounding down
Dove into the depths
Wound up
That I'm lost
And found
I go.

read through, then once more from bottom to top
 Aug 2014 nat
i thought i was holding your hand
but i guess i was holding your heart
you said "don't let go" 
i said "oh" as it hit the asphalt
do you think gravity knows 
that it makes people fall
does it know we go down hard 
because i think you broke the sound barrier 
on your way down to me
but i just let gravity send your heart
straight down to the street
i wasn't thinking 
or maybe i was
just not about you
i'm selfish
and so is gravity 
so i guess you could call it natural
and you can call me gone

 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
She reminds of a stormy night,
the way the the rain drops down on the windowsill:
beautiful, powerful, and fragile
at the same time.
She reminds me of a night sky:
the way the stars twinkle and shine like her eyes
which make me forget any other sight.
She is the sky and the seas,
full of life.
She is the sun and the moon,
full of light.
She is the only one of her
there ever has been
and ever will be,
and so surpasses any comparison
I might try.

 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
 Aug 2014 nat
Alberto Ruiz
It's halfway through the week,
and the insides of my cheeks
are already peeling.
Feelings are numbing,
except the throbbing in my mind
I wait for the day
this race will end,
but until then
I'll endure.

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