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2.3k · May 2014
Tom Pearson May 2014
She had the kind of face
that could swallow
your hope
like a fly,
sinking in an olympic sized swimming

You'd never have her,
she'd never want you

Her eyes
two blue lakes
you could submerge in,
drown in,
wishing to never sea them stream

Black painted arcs
They could make
Mona Lisa frown
green with envy

Beauty etched
so deep, so true
time itself
could never
1.1k · Jan 2015
The List
Tom Pearson Jan 2015
You're just another name to the list
Of the times Cupid's arrow missed

Maybe Robin Hood could do more
He steals from the rich, gives to the poor
959 · Dec 2014
The Exception
Tom Pearson Dec 2014
You play on my mind like a looped vinyl disc,
Your words are my new favourite song,
To utter my thoughts, are too great a risk,
For you and for I, for ‘us’, I long,

How can I live leaving great all unsaid,
Dare I wear my heart on my sleeve?
Hands and legs entwined, entangled in bed,
The last I would want to aggrieve,


I confessed, you are the one, the exception,
Best friends, we are - forever more?
The one to which I pour my affection,
Don't bloom this wound, open and sore,

A soft whisper disregards all my plight,
'Your heart is pounding like the rain',
'Breath with me', soft, you console that night,
In that moment we were the same

— The End —