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1.2k · Jan 2015
Fate You Monster..
Todd Allen Adams Jan 2015
Fate you lead me..
To the point of no return
I am just a vessel
Every move I make is yours to command
Will you lead me to my end?
Either fast or slow
Fate you choose
Fate you win I lose
An unknown mistress
Who seems to only take pleasure in my distress.
No pity
No mercy
Unknown words
to the monster known as fate
Whispering in my ear..
Its to late
Todd Allen Adams May 2015
My heart is shattered

There are no more pieces for you to find

They have all been crushed under your feet

As my dreams fell to the floor

You whisper in my ear

I don't you love you anymore

Along with the shards of my remains

I am broken..
633 · Mar 2015
I miss you..
Todd Allen Adams Mar 2015
My soul is crying out for you
Don't you hear the wailing
For who else is there
Who will silence my agony
Wiping away the tears of yesterday
Only you..
Sometimes you say
No matter how hard it gets
After everything is said and done
One promise to me my love
Don't you dare forget the sun..
622 · Mar 2015
Lust or is it love
Todd Allen Adams Mar 2015
How the winds blow
My troubles never cease
I have loved many
Cast into the storms of my judgement
Unable to break free from the winds of fate
A whirlwind of torture
Nether the less
I am deserving of this punishment
I have come to terms
But you have a chance
Just listen to his words..
602 · May 2015
War is..
Todd Allen Adams May 2015
A constant struggle
In which hatred fuels the heart and soul
The sky blackened by smog
Emitted by the fallen
The stench is unbearable
They are unable to see the light
Focused on the battle

Words like gunfire
Penetrate the skin
We are badly wounded
Into the trenches
We are bleeding
Inside and out

Did we ask to die?
When we signed our body away
A meat shield
For another man's war
They stand behind us
Watching us fall
It was my choice now
They will **** us all
593 · Apr 2015
Earth My Mother
Todd Allen Adams Apr 2015
When the sun sets
You tuck me in
Telling me stories
of the stars
I gaze in awe
At the night light before me
Feeling safe from the dark
Caressing me softly
With a light gentle breeze
Able to calm me down
You make me feel at ease
When I awake from my slumber
You greet me with a warm smile
You give me fruit from your trees
When I complain about the heat
You shade me
But years go by and things start to change
It happens to all who reach this age
When I “your child” flourish
I take her gifts for granted
Taking too much from her
Stripping her of what makes her great
She cries many tears
Asking why?
I just stand there
letting her waste away
As time passes by
Todd Allen Adams Jan 2015
The Mirror hangs so loosely on the wall
Fear and doubt
Shake the walls of my existence
The nail so stubborn..
Wont give up
The anger fogs my perception
Making me see unclear
I lash out
Causing others pain
My faults protrude onto the mirror
The weight from my actions
Causes the nail to bend
The mirror falls
Quick with a bitter end
Shattering onto the floor
We are unable to pick up the pieces..
Of who we once were..
We try so hard to follow our dreams.But they can be easily crushed by outside factors
447 · Feb 2015
The Inferno
Todd Allen Adams Feb 2015
Caress the land
Your soul blackened
By the smoke of sin
You have fallen
To depths unfathomable
still see the light?
Or have they Stolen your sight
Vision Clouded by darkness
Your journey
Is far from over
The road has many misconceptions
Paths that lead you astray
His fallen
Forgive me
But suffering is his forgiveness
362 · Jan 2015
Love..I miss you..But
Todd Allen Adams Jan 2015
Ripped apart..
Standing here with my heart in my hand..
I lost you..
Because the mistakes I made as a man..
No amount of tears will put out the fire..
This bridge has burned
The ships have sailed..
The winds Sail us into different paths
Converging to the unknown..
My memories dissipate as the time passes
Sunken deep into the depths below..
I am not the man you used to know..
Change has knocked at my door
Stubborn as I maybe
I have answered its call..
I am not the same man..
Not at all...
A man lost the love of his life.He has to come to grips With reality and accept change.
360 · Feb 2015
Lifes a stage
Todd Allen Adams Feb 2015
Roles casted
Lines rehearsed
The stage is set
Wearing a mask
Hiding yourself
From others
Praising your act
Take a bow
show yourself
Your act is over
One of the best
The Playwright says
Closing his book
245 · Jan 2015
Do You Have It?
Todd Allen Adams Jan 2015
Something of worth
A spark
Outshining all others before you
But yet so far away
Out of reach
Light years
Start from nothing
Build upon it
All hopes and dreams
You will grow bright
Even Astronomical

Do not be blinded
By your own light
You might shine bright now
But all stars burn out some day
This poem is about Being the best you can be. But don't lose sight of who you are. Over confidence can be your downfall.

— The End —