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  Jul 2015 thund3r-bird
Chloe Elizabeth
I could sit here all night and listen to the thunder, watch the lightning and run my fingers through the raindrops on my windowsill; trying to think of the perfect way to put into words how a thunderstorm makes my body tired and my mind feel safe but the truth is, I just love thunderstorms so ******* much. That is how I feel.

By Chloe Elizabeth
I just love thunderstorms so ******* much.
  Jul 2015 thund3r-bird
Victoria Queen
They say that over time, it dissipates -
it will drain from you, evaporate like smoke.
It will descend upon you, destroy you;
but will soon release you, and fade.

But with time it instead grows stronger,
demanding to be felt.
It knocks on the doors of my soul,
its urgency to be let inside unrelenting and ruthless.

Like an unpredictable storm, it lands and ravages,
leaving just fragments of a heart already rebuilt.
What is gone is the will;
the resiliency dulled, the courage spent.

It's a deep-rooted ****, an unrivaled opponent;
It's a malevolent fire that refuses to be smothered.
The Hurt:
a wound that permeates, and remains.
  Jul 2015 thund3r-bird
Sadness collapses the faculties that hold together reality

the observer lost in painful recollection,
experiences life with no feeling of the present

A silent numbness takes over the senses,
a muted movie plays.
The zombie walks forward
hoping for better days
Sad truth -
  May 2015 thund3r-bird
Francie Lynch
I started with a tree,
Brought the chainsaw
And felled it.

I trimmed off the branches,
Stripped the bark
To the underskin
And let the sap drip.

I used the log-splitter
To make the trunk
Into workable pieces.

I chose a log,
Used my wood-splitting axe
To divide into four.

I whittled down,
Pared away
All the insignificants
Until I sat with a twig,
One word,
  May 2015 thund3r-bird
We don't have to wait,
Halloween comes every day,
Shadow figures on their way,
The side show
The freak show
The funhouse across the bay,
We go there on purpose every day.

My light is kind of
fading I can see it
in the mirror
I can't quite see my way
to make it there today.

Your flashlights
in this funhouse Darkness
to light the way,
for lost and wandering souls
as it has every day.

The soul whisperer
A lone long walker
The warrior spirit
A solo ocean swimmer
The darting eyed organizer
with the heart of gold
A stand-up comic
The old old sage
willing to fight it out
in the bleakness factory
every day.

As I make my way
to the exit sign
I can hear the five o'clock
the lobby scene
cops dragging
a woman
screaming my name
I go anyway.

For those kind souls
left behind
the listener hums a tune
in his own mind
closes the door
one last time
with a sigh,
has left it
all behind
short prayer to the passing
of time,
for those who put their
love and compassion
on the line
in every way
every day.
  May 2015 thund3r-bird
Jessica Evans
I miss the way you play with my hair
Even though you know I hate it
I miss the way when I lean on you
You kiss the top of my head
I miss the way you act so strong
But I know exactly when you need to cry

I miss the way you tell me
I'm your favorite daughter
Though I'm your only one
I miss the way you'd fall asleep on the couch
And be impossible to wake up

I miss the way you'd come home late
And blame me for still being up
I miss the way you tell me you love me
And the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh
I miss your horrible sense of humor
And your amazing hugs

I hate being so far away
If I could live with you forever
I would.
But being a grown up is important
You taught me that.
Because underneath the partying and silliness
You are a responsible adult
And an even more amazing mom
My mother is...

A superhero with no powers,
A knight with no armor,
A queen with no kingdom,
A gift with no ribbons,
A star with no award.

My mother is...

A tiger with stripes,
A life giver,
A home,
A friend,
A hug,
A kiss,
A frown,
A smile.

My mother is...


My mother is...

My reason for existence,
My inspiration,
My motivation,
& God's creation.

Happy Mothers Day!
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