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I look at pictures
From years ago

Even then
I thought I was

Yet when I see the pictures,
I see a beautiful stranger

I don't know who she is,
Except people say
She is me

But she looks so bright
And happy

And she is beautiful

She looks innocent
And lovely

This girl is not me.

I was never that happy,
Or innocent
Or bright

Was I?

I compare the girl in the picture,
To the girl in the mirror.
How is it possible,
That these are both me?
I have been asked,
Why we aren't friends anymore
Time and time again.
I have thought
Long and hard
On this question,
And today I realized the answer.

We became friends,
Because we sang the same song.

But as we grew older,
We changed a word here,
Sentence there,
Phrases everywhere.

Till we were singing
Entirely different songs,
That simply have the same rhythm

So from a distance,
All you here is the tune,
And you think we are fine.

But as you get closer
You realize,
They are entirely different songs.

Now you are gone,
And even the rhythm
Of our song
Is different,
And gone forever
For my old bff I don't even talk to anymore

— The End —