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  Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
I am bleeding down the drain,
Every part of myself I hold onto
Is oozing out of my pores as my
Poor, poor friend opens her skin,
Rips her flesh apart like paper
Because the emotion shouldn't be
Mariana Nolasco Dec 2015
One of my most vivid memories of us is that one time we were on the phone and you told me you felt uneasy because,  your friend Morgan said that everyone changes.

She said no one ever stays the same,  and with enough time, you'll become a whole new person.

You said this to me warily, I guess I stood quiet for more than I should've because you then softly muttered "are you gonna change?"

Of course I swore I wouldn't.  And I meant it.  I really meant it when I said I wouldn't change.  WE wouldn't. It'd always be like this.
Late night talks on the phone,  exploring the universe within our own minds,  opening every door and walking in every aisle inside each other, carefully peeking into the cracks in the walls and kissing them better.  

That night you said that you loved me so much,  you felt the need to open the window and shout it at the whole world. You wanted all Paris to hear it.

If it was true love, how could it change?

Laying against you in bed felt right.  Like we had grooves and keys carved into our bodies that aligned us together perfectly, like it was supposed to be like this.

It felt like we were the lucky ones.  The lucky two that, against all the odds, found each other in the sea of hearts of the world.  

But the years went by as they do

And slowly the fire started to cool down

We memorized the way in and out of the labyrinth of our bodies.

Weirdly, the grooves and keys that snuggled us so closely together before,  didn't seem to fit all that well anymore.

We didn't realize that time had put new cracks on our walls.

Some doors were closed and others were opened. I guess We were lazy to remap the whole thing,  or maybe we didn't even notice.  

But we kept walking the same way in and out every time. It grew... Tideous.

Without me realizing, you stopped shouting your love for me to Paris.
And When I turned my head and looked behind, it seemed like it was just a faint whisper.
After that, all I could hear was the echo.

To be honest,  I was mad for a long time.  Thinking that you let everything die. That our hands didn't fit together like they used to because you didn't care to make it right.

But Lately I'm thinking that, it's not that you didn't care. It's not that I did something wrong. It's surely not a matter of true love, because it was.  
No,  we didn't let it die

We just... changed.

I guess Morgan was right.
Mariana Nolasco Apr 2015
You used to be my strength... You became my weakness
Oh,  how strange a thing love can be
Mariana Nolasco Sep 2014
Cierra la boca,
Mi dulce criatura.
Estas hambriento
Lo puedo notar.

Mas hoy no hay comida
y, yo lo presiento,
No la habrá en un tiempo más.

Cantaré un rato,  si eso es de ayuda
Siéntate quieto en éste lugar.
Olvida el hambre y duerme profundo
Sueña que en un banquete estás.

Basta comida, música viva
Corre y ve con el general.
Dile que en casa los niños suplican
Por una mordida

                      Del más simple pan...


Close your mouth,
My sweet child
You are hungry,  
And I can tell.

But today,  there is no food
And I can just feel it,
There won't be
For another long while.

I'll sing a while, if that helps a little
Sit down still. Right  here,  beside me.
Forget the hunger, sleep peacefully
Dream that you are in a feast.  

So much food, and lovely music
Run to speak to the General.
Tell him,  back home the children are begging
For just one bite

                 Of the plainest bread
The Holodomor was a famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed up to about 10 million Ukrainians. Holomodor literally translates as "hunger"

Poorly translated at the moment, shall improve it later on.
Mariana Nolasco Jul 2014
And I don’t know why do I miss you.
Is it too early in the morning for me to remember I’ll wake up alone?
Is it because I again forgot to take the daily dose of Prozac?
Truth be told, I don’t know. And you won’t know either.

It is in fact too soon for me to face the truth?
Because my fairy tale dreams are still running circles in my head.
First step’s first:

I’m brewing coffee for two.
One would expect that after all this time I would simply summon up
I would wake up without looking at the right side of the bed
I would take one mug, make coffee for one
And instead, here I am.

Is it too late to beg some more?
I don’t know what will be of me
All I know is, Today, I miss you
Brainstorming  #1
Mariana Nolasco Feb 2014
I can't  see other than those birds singing
The kids playing
The air flying
it is joy.  
Pure joy

yes,  my heart is broken.
Torn to pieces
Still beating
Still pumping

The birds are still singing
The kids are still laughing
my life is still waiting
This is a goodbye to the tears
To the screams, to the hate.  

When I woke up today,
I realized no one is worth my tears
NO ONE has the right to break me
To make me hate me

Farewell my friend
I'm tired of your games
This time I'm leaving...
For **good
Drafts that never get anywhere #4
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