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Time and time again,
I forgave you,
Every time you hurt me.
I took you back,
And you won my heart all over again.

But this time it's different,
You've hurt me one too many times,
And I don't know how much longer,
I can hold on..

You know there's a saying,
"Let go of them, if you truly love them."
Whether I let you go or continue to hold on,
I will always ******* hurt.

My scars don't reflect,
How deep my cuts and wounds really are.
Nor do they show,
All the pain and suffering you have put me through.

The tears that stream down my face,
As I write this..
They're all for you..

Some may call me stupid and pathetic,
For loving someone like you..
But please, please understand..
I am so very afraid of losing you.

Because you could be the best and worse thing that's ever happened to me,
And I don't know what to do..
I don't know if I want to let go,
And lose you..

But I know if I continue to hold on,
I'll lose you anyway..
So either way,
My choice will hurt me..
It will ruin me..

But what's the difference anyway?
Because you've already torn me apart.
You've already ruined me,
But you're too blind to see that.
If you ask the question,
The answer may dismay;
Lotsa things
Should go unsaid
At the end of day.
We **** up and we know it.
But, there's only one thing we can do.
Deal with it.
We can't conceal ourselves from the consequences of our own vile actions.
We rub salt into the already festering wounds we've left behind and hide behind sickly sweet smiles while guilt pulses through our veins and corrodes us from the inside out.
Yet, what can we do? Nothing.
Time goes on and mistakes become old memories.
Friendships die. Love dies.
Time erodes all beauty and crimson roses fade to black.
But, like I've said before, there's only one thing we can do.
Just. *******. Deal with it.
My hands wander a smooth cold wall
Knowing that it’s more than merely tall
Muffled emotions illuminate the air
Even when no one is there
But I’ve always been here
You just haven’t felt me near
So, I’ll meet you on the other side
Where there’ll be nothing left to hide
Because I refuse to leave
No matter what you care to believe
Stop trying to hide the longing in your eyes,
You’ve been noticed,
There’s nowhere to hide now.
You're my best friend
I can't live without you
So please oh please
Don't force me to
I just posted the full version of this poem "Please Stay" so go check it out!!
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