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  Jul 2016 TheBigShut
Don't go across the world for me
Because I will only find a way to make you leave
Even though my sadness is too hidden to see
I promise you, some nights I find it hard to breathe

Don't set yourself, on fire to make me smile
Because after a while, I will decide it's too hard loving someone who gives me what I desire
And I will only want you to go the extra mile
Though it's shocking to me that someone could love a person so dire.

Don't blame yourself, because I can never trust again
Because I run away from anyone who sees through this grin
And all I think about in this brain
Is that you didn't feel like loving an entity as vile as me was a sin.
  Jul 2016 TheBigShut
Paul Butters
“Nothing” is so hard to imagine,
For even empty space is something.
Nothing means “no thing”,
Which means it cannot exist
Without Existence.

There must be Something
For there to be a Nothing.
And then we have the anomaly
Of sub-atomic particles
Winking in and out of existence:
Something then nothing then something then…

We are partly made of such particles,
So we too are winking……

The wonder of it all, of course,
Is that I sit here
Scratching my head about “Nothing”,
A sentient being trying to make sense
Of the miracle that is Life.

Paul Butters
  Jul 2016 TheBigShut
let me guess we weren't the first
to sneak out here on our own
to "break the ice"
by raising skin to skin
and bone to bone

to tell all your good friends to leave us alone
when you know i'll tell you to leave me alone

god i always liked the flow that went
getting another life to swallow
without needing to pay rent

just another person to know we were just
other people to know

before figuring whether you were
the person to tell me when to come
or the one to tell me when to go

how do we know we know?
when i only try by saying
i'll try to know

but we look towards each other and
invite the other
to come and be the latest reach
for me to refer in relativity
all true all emotion

and if we could just choose the things that run forever
then let it be the golden feeling i found
in the absence of sound

in the absence of speech

if skin was touch and touch was reach
and reach was sin and sin was breach

and if we pretend preach
could and would make it all better

then were you back here
when you finally got it together
put it all together

and when she tried to ask you to come back
why did you go ahead and get her
  Jun 2016 TheBigShut
Natalia Gorman
I ask of you,
Forgiveness beyond any other
For as I stand,
Oppon this broken earth
I fear of my past
Of my present
And the future I throw away
For I have sinned
Red stains my hands
‘Defence is justified’
But is it really?
Yes, he sinned first,
But do I truly have the right?
To take one's life?
‘An eye for an eye’
A life for a life
But mine is unfit
It does not hold value
In this broken world
Where little light escapes
So I ask you,
As I take the step
Am I worthy of forgiveness?
I took a life,
In order to keep a choice
A choice I would of saved for my one and only.
But does that choice mean as much as a life?
Yes I was scared
Yes I was attacked.
Yes he sinned first
But my crime weighs more
So I ask for you to listen
And forgive.
Not of me.
But of him.
For I have taken a choice from him.
As he was going to do of me.
But as he was going to take a choice of body.
I took his choice of life.
I am filthy
I do not deserve your presence
But please.
As I give my choice of life
In place of his
To forgive him.
For he was lost
And alone.
Like we were  once
So as I take the step into the air
I thank you
For listening
And I hope
That one day
One will do the same for you
As you have done for me
So Thank You.
i wrote this after reading an article about a girl who committed suicide for accidentally killing her would be ****** in self defense.
  Jun 2016 TheBigShut
Vampyre Kato
I Want Everyone  To Be Comfortable
So They Can Be Functional
Secure In Their Boots
Held Close To Home By Them Knowing Their Roots
Living Their Truth
Feeling The Affection  They Deserve
Feeling Loved With Out A Story Of Words
We All Have Pain  
BEEN Warpped Up In Thorns
Torn In The Rain
Had Our Favorite  People Walk Away
Been In The Bathroom
With A Bottle & A Blade
Tears On The Shooking Page
The Gaze In The Mirror
Fear Sadness  Rage
Feeling Trapped So Want  A Mom & A Dad
A Dog Or A Cat
Somebody To Sit & Talk With
Have Your Back
Just Hold You Close All Night Long
Tell You To Put Their Coat ON
SING Together  Special Songs
That Cut Deep
Still Make You Smile
That Walks Those Several  Miles
To Hug You Cos The Distace Been A While
Share Dreams With
Cry & Lean In
Find Change Or Dollars
TO Eat At 3
Night Time
Just You & Me
Phones  Silent
Angel Wings
To Remind  You That Your Amazing & Just Fine
No Shallow Vibes  That Incline Their Just Lyin
SO Your Smiling
A Friend With The Heart Of A Lion Alien Captin Of The Mother Ship
Thats Me If Im Absent To Leave
When You Uncover  This
I'm Lonely Drifitng. THREW LeafS & Mist
Whispering  This With A Ghostly Lisp
They Say My Heart Is So Big
Never Game Enough  Time That Was Just Skin
I Love You All
I Promise  This
Stranger Too It Doesn't Matter
Were All One Sun & Matter
All Of Us Once Felt Our Heart Has Shattered
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