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712 · Sep 2014
Things as they were
The stars, they don't shine as bright;
My curiosity has be shot

The ocean, it doesn't seem peaceful;
I'm loosing my sanity  

The moon, it isn't as big;
My love drifted into the wind

The sun, it's twice as hot;
I've been living in Hell
                                            ..........all along
705 · Jul 2013
A Story Of Rebirth
She  pulls me down to the ocean floor
       as she sinks her fangs into me
as Im drained dry, the sea water
      enters my lungs  I seize to float;
  my lifeless body hits the ocean floor
  as my impact sends grains of sand
in a wicked dance, as the poison
   from her fangs consumes me;
a part of her grows within me,  as my  heart beats and my eyes open wide,  i take my first breath,
    and I look to gain back my strength,
I grab her wrist and pin her to the ocean floor,
  the sea has infected me as I am reborn as the son of the sea and i sink my fangs into you as I drain you in your own home
690 · Aug 2013
Strong Soul
He sits on the couch as his brother speaks violent words. Tears run down his face not of fear but of heartbrokeness, his own brother threatening his life. He closes his eyes and pushes the tears, he sees the swing of his brothers arm but he does not move, soon enough his head is caught between his fist being thrown left to right his head thrown side to side. The physical pain can't amount to the pain in his heart, his own brother doing such transgressions against him. Yet he stays calm he doesn't move he lets his brother take his anger out on him. His brother stops and ask why won't you fight back in which he replys your my brother you may hate me with every bone in your body you may wish to **** me but I can never due such things to you, if you wish to take my life then take it, your my brother and ill let you have it cause I won't hurt you.

His brother wide eye, lip trembling can't fathom the complexity of his philosophy.
679 · Dec 2013
The Elements
Nature heals all**

A gentle breeze can
lift the negative thoughts
With ease

The soothing waters
Can bring solace
To those in need

The earth
Supplements the transition
From your past self to your new self

And it is through Fire
That you are reborn,
Unchained to your troubled passed
Free to start a new life.
661 · Dec 2013
Music; It's Important
Selecting music is just as important
As keeping good hygein
And shaving your *****
It's the difference between
Creating a moment or killing it
A good song can bring you closer
But choose the wrong song
N feel the distance greaten
The moods been killed
You've been delt the
"Move back 3 spaces"
638 · Aug 2013
Where Noone Looks
There it was hidden -
In plain sight;
Treasure in a black tiny box
Blending into the darkness
That surrounds
Most don't bother to look for it
But they'd find it if they'd move
The treasure is happiness
And it exist in the dark
So be observant
Of the Yang in the Yin
625 · Oct 2013
Eye Change
I knew from the first time
He laid upon her
That she was the one
He was gonna marry.
Sparkles shine bright
In his right iris
Sparkles of determination
And dedication
Of lust and love.
The determination
To change his wicked ways
The dedication
to be loyal to one
The lust
To chase after her
The Love
To last a lifetime.
His eyes had changed and he wouldn't be the same.
624 · Jun 2014
Sometimes I wanna write about her, but I gave her this link,, so every so often she comes to read. It'd be weird if I spoke about her cause I hardly ever talk,, but if only she knew my discomfort around her sister and friends. They got this LA based logic that glamor is everything. So they pry and pluck and criticize everything. She's great I know she's a libra, but I won't make a move. Mainly cause I'm still building my life so I ignore most girls. I'd say I'd date her but be her bf I don't know, I can't really since I don't really know her but I'd love to court her, get to know her bit by bit. All she is, is my friend nothing more. It'd be nice if we could spend more time alone I'd have more to say than when placed in a group. New yorks the dream n so is hers I find that kinda heart warming. Like who knows maybe I'll see her one day walking down main ave. with a ring on her finger n coffee in hand, n we'll catch up n she'll tell me how she's got keychain licenses from every major city. She's a great girl, that she is and she inspires me n fans my flames. I'll make it someday.
My friend; my muse; n part time lover
602 · Aug 2014
Her voice is like thunder,
In the storm of my head
Too faded; her eyes read.

Her lips spoke with out a word
A quick snap back to reality;
This is double edge sword
574 · Aug 2013
The Sun
It radiates from above
So far away yet we can feel it warmth
We see it light up the night sky
As it breaks dawn
When we are in it's pressence
It warms us up with joy and happiness
Sometimes we are given to much and it burns
But that's what love is , it's like the sun
You can be miles apart
But you can still feel their love warm us up
They can light up our darkness days
And change tears to smiles
When we are in their presence
It warms us up with joy and happiness.
But sometimes they have so much love
That it sometimes hurts.
561 · May 2014
You in Everyday Life
Your name sudden appears
In every billboard n sign I see,
I find you in the books i read
N your personality is presented
In the tumblr quotes I repost

Modern technology and advertisement
Could be the culprit of why your
Always runing within my mind
But that be a lie cause while in bed
And the lights are dim I think of everything me and you could be.
545 · Aug 2013
Love and Destruction
Is the Destruction
Of the past;
The tearing of walls and of yesterday's pains
It is the Collaberation
Between two souls to rebuilt themselves
To become better for one another,
And the creation
Of something completely new
524 · Oct 2013
Mind Reader
She sat in the chair
In front of me,
We spoke on the phone
On hours on end.
We never got bored
Everything and nothing
Was always the topic of choice.
She expected me to read her mind
She'd sit there staring at me & expect me to know
I like her a lot which is why i put up with her antics
One day I stopped talking to her
And she stopped talking to me
She was great n all but I couldn't
Play her game for life.

And so a year later she came to me
And told me, how she wished I kissed her
When she would sat me down.
Out rage I told her how could she expect
Such super human feat n read her very thoughts
I'm only human, I'm not a **Mind Reader
518 · Jun 2014
A Haiku for You
I hope words ignite
A flame that inspires you to
Write your hearts content
517 · Jun 2014
Her smile
I hardly go out anymore*
It's been a almost a month,
Since I've last seen her mouth
Form a smile
It's been a while since I've heard her laugh, I've felt dead knowing
She's in another state.
So far from a quick visit
Can't stop by just to say Hi,
I fear she'll forget me
She'll make new memories
And forget her favorite uncle.
I need to go to Arizona
512 · Feb 2014
An Ex's Charm
The abyss is empty
But it's filled with
Whispers of past lovers
Drawing you near
Like sirens
Making deadly voices
Sound alluring
Till the voices manifest
And drag you down,
Back at the bottom
Where you once began.
Memories resonate
And you think
They'll change
Believing their lies
Once again.
485 · Dec 2013
The universe
Saw her as an
insignificant little spec
The world
Saw her as an
Individual incapable of change
The country
Saw her as
nothing more than a vote
The city
Saw her as
nothing more than a taxpayer
But I saw her
As so much more than individual.

She was a force;
An essence that encompassed me
N make me feel whole.
She was my world
And so much more
480 · Feb 2014
Talk is cheap
All everyone ever does-
Now a days is talk.
They run they mouth,
And like to gawk.
Their eyes turn south-
Looking down at you
As is they were any better.
453 · Jun 2014
The Observation Project
This summer. I shall explore my city pick a place to sit. N choose a subject. N I'll write about Him,Her or It.
All poems will be placed in this single thread.

~Winchells Donuts~
She sits crossed legged
With coffee in hand
Chewing on a pencil top
Perhaps she's had too much coffee
Or probably not enough.
She's dotting something down
N looks disappointed every time
She looks up.
Maybe she's awaiting a lover
Or an old time friend
But as it's getting longer
Her chewing gets louder
I can hear the grinding of her teeth
On the wood of a number two.
My order is up n it's time for me to leave.
6-14-14 6:35am

~Local Transit~
She's biting her nails
And rubbing her belly
Maybe she's sick
Or pregnant with a baby.
6-14-14 12:44pm

~My Ex's Home~
Her eyes follow me,
everywhere I go
Yet she doesn't move
Nor say a word
I guess silence engulfed her whole
I don't blame her though,
it's been two years
But how was I supposed to know
That she'd visit her family home
She's fidgetting n she's nervous as hell
I should know, it's how she first felt
When we went on our date.
Four hours pass n I say "lates"
As her brother gives me a handshake
N starts closing the door
An exasperated yell
comes from the kitchen corridor
"Good bye -----???"
Is all I heard, I guess they still
Have that sound proof door.
I walk away n I see her peep
Out the curtain window.
Watching me as I leave.
6/14/14 6:40pm
It's been a while since I've people watch. It's a blissful action I hope to make.

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— The End —