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Like a violin,
only a little bigger.
The darkness of a cello,
the sweetness of a violin.
It sings a lullaby
to the child in the crib.
Loud and soft,
harsh and gentle.
It's the middle,
it's the best of the four.
Though it's not as popular,
it's still what I do.
It's still sings the song
that I want to sing.
No words are needed
to sing different tones.
The instrument is my voice,
the only one I speak with.
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
Your name is a golden
shiny bell hung up in my
heart. It tastes sweeter than
apple pie and red hot cinnamon
flavored gum. It warms me more
than the heat that radiates from the
sun. It’s spelled out in four short
letters that sound fun when pronounced.
Its true i'm telling you, your name is a
golden bell hung and tangled between
the ventricles of my heart. It sounds like
secret prayers whispered in the dark.
Your name is slowly taking over my

it is a mantra now, reverberating throughout my being
in a place where repetition is sweet fulfillment
and to say it , feel it, taste it on my lips..
To drown in the essence, the flavor...sticky sweet
like hot candy floss on my tongue
like a prayer on my lips
and a song in my heart .....
a prickly, tender stroking of every pore in my flesh
your sweetness becomes my depth and in that...
I am whole, satiated and warm with glowing rapture
I awake each hour to the hunger
and the more I indulge the more it becomes a thirst
and yours is the only nectar to quench this perpetual desire
thirst, hunger, desire, longing ..... You

Your name sweeps my feet
off the ground. It sounds like
secret melodies carried by the
winds and entering my ear. It’s
the only word that I want to hear
throughout this entire year. These
four letters shall forever be carved
on the chambers of my heart. These
four letters are what let me fall in love
from the very start. Inking my skin with
these four letters is all what I really want*

like a tattoo, indelibly inked upon my soul
there is you and your music and the melody
which haunts my dreams and fills my every waking hour
to utter your name is like a prayer
to hear your voice is a symphony of ecstasy
playing upon the strings of my heart
dare I say it out loud
would the entire world fall for you'
as I have done?
I’ll share the joy but never,
even at the cost of my own life,
will I release this feeling from my being
you are the message I have waited
my whole life to hear
sing it to me now, in dulcet tones of passion
create your vision of us in your own fashion
and now I own your name, your song, the dream
but you own me..For I am yours...entirely.
sing ..... And I promise the perfect harmony* ~
Wolf spirit in italics
Carolin in bold
It's our first collaboration. He's a talented poet. I'm really looking forward to write more and more with him. Really glad we met Mr. Wolf it was a great experience to work with you.
Feel free to leave us your feedback ...
And here is wolf spirit's link below ...
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
you and i share the same skin and
because of that, i will keep you safe.

do not be afraid of your chest tightening,
i will help you breathe.
do not be afraid of failing,
i will help you succeed.
i will remind you that your scars
and your insecurities
and your emotional tremors
do not define who you are as a person.
i will let you get angry and
i will make you cry to show you
that it’s okay to be human.
i will give you space.
i will let you venture and explore
and expand your mind for
as long as you need to.

i will appreciate that you are able to forgive
even though i hate that you are too forgiving.
i will love the fact that you drink orange juice
out of the carton even though everyone else
hates it.
if you want to drop out of college and
become a starving artist on the streets of
a city that you’ve never stepped foot in
until now,
then i will support you entirely.

i will paint beautiful pictures in your mind
that your hands can gracefully translate
to paper so the entire world can see you
the way i see you —

as intelligent,
as interesting,
as important.

you and i share the same skin and
because of that, i will keep you safe.
you were mine before you were
anyone else’s, and it will
always be that way.
i wrote this a year ago // i want to write again
Come my dear, enter the dark
Where pain is your bliss
Seduced by this ****** mark
Surrendering to a razor blade kiss

Tonight, touched by tormented lust
Lost in suffering, only to bleed
Abandoning those thoughts of trust
In the seclusion of tortured need

Breathing the sweat of desires stain
A victim to a demon without restraint
Closed inside a mind long gone insane
Where the innocence is there to taint

Come my dear, enter the dark
Where pain is your bliss
Seduced by this ****** mark
Surrendering to a razor blade kiss
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I dream
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
Gunshots and poems
is what I dream
as the press into
hearts and pages
of sad lonely
notebooks and people
that just need a
word or a wound
to feel complete
one last time

I dream of
church bells and screams
that drown each other out
as their finest moments
in wailing agony and
peaceful chimes to
let us know that
everything could
change in the
blinking of an eye

Thunderclaps and steak knifes
fill the nightmares
that I dream
creating death-filled settings
full of evil laughs and
clowns to haunt
everything we could
ever want to
ever be

I dream of
the future full
of me and you
with smiles and
giggles of tickle
fights and cheek
kisses galore and
sparkles in two peoples'
eyes of nothing but
pure happiness
Before ...
As you grew
my focus was
on your beauty
and love
As I grew
your focus was
on my duty
and devotion

After .....
As you grew
my focus is
on your growing
beauty of love
As I grew
your focus is
on the strength
of my love
What lies behind the lies
is truth beyond your guess
Much as I loved you
Much is left to love
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