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vxliangkylie Mar 2019
poetry does not reflect truth
it is but a painting of one's thoughts
conceived by the emotions one feels
obstinately devoid of accuracy
but filled with tender authenticity

poetry does not reflect truth
it is but a flowing river of reveries
where reality transcends the realms
and chase the light of possibilities
with the particular intent of pleasing

poetry does not reflect truth
it is but a manifestation
of abstractions concerning itself
with various human themes
and the need to feel
vxliangkylie Mar 2019
i have been searching everywhere
for the reasons why things are so
forgetting to look inside myself
for all the answers i need before i grow

there is a certain familiarity
in picking up my skirt
and drifting with the wind

but i choose to forsake the tide
if it only brings forth dirt
and everything mean

i have been searching everywhere
for the reasons why things are so
forcefully believing that
crowded places can ever be home

but some words must be spoken
​in order to feel whole
vxliangkylie Apr 2018
affections are not mine to give
for in love i do not believe
but my heart has made reason foe
and i am afraid that this will not go
recant the curse you laced in your gaze
and let me return to my earthly ways
with forgiveness in jealousy
that once consumed
and only the memory of the man
who would have me wound
vxliangkylie Dec 2017
strong tidal waves
   i plunged into an abyss beyond hope
a horizon out of reach
  i looked for you even when my eyes were closed
lighthouse beyond the darkness
  you were there even when i didn't want you to be
storm clouds fulfil the thirst
  you taught me that tears could make a cup of tea
ice caps threatened the earth
  my friends told me to look away even when they knew i can't
rocks beneath begin to move
  my affections ought never to have won
water begins to consume all they could
  we was never a word to be heard
everything is blue
  our stories were meant to hurt
vxliangkylie Nov 2017
you and i, we're like russian dolls -
a multitude of feelings are beneath our walls.
relationships and heartache too
(a billion words, a billion sighs to hide)
have turned us irrevocably into fools.
yet in these memories, we are forever tied.

the lurking of someone underneath,
a person yearning for a chance to breathe.
constant fear of being seen,
each the opportunity to choose your skin.
ever blocked from view -
i've always been changing but you never knew.
vxliangkylie Nov 2017
pick a path and start your stride,
don't become the victim of your pride.
live life knowing you've walked the lines,
and satisfaction to always be termed "mine".

keep it simple, take it slow.
if you want her, then don't let her go.
just say the words and she will know
how you've appeared to melt her kingdom's snow.

learn your words and choose them well,
for tables turned and bridges fell,
from these simple letters we've used to spell.

think wisely, feel strongly,
build a home where you are caressed softly -
always surround yourself with people you can call family.

at every corner, at every turn,
give yourself the credit you have earned.
have a little break, take a deeper breath,
you have travelled a long way
and you should be proud of that.
vxliangkylie Nov 2017
if depression - an absence of feelings,
the sadness that holds no tears,
the pain that calls no hope,
the change that i did not prepare for.
can be called a phase...

does that mean love - a presence of feelings ,
the happiness that fools your soul
the joy that overwhelms your mind,  
the euphoria that alludes to insanity,
can be called a phase too?
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