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Mar 2019 · 256
The Pain I Endured Today Was The Worse
No One Should Ever Deal With...
I’m Somewhat Relived But More Hurt
Jul 2017 · 502
I'm only Human
I'm  Only Human
  I've made a lot of mistakes,
I'm only Human
Do I regret it all?
Yes I do  everything wish there was a reset button so I could start over but I can't and it changed my whole life for the good and the worse it's no bad or in between
I'm still only Human
It took til I'm 30 yrs old for **** to really sink in and let me know that life's no joke
I hurt the only person, Who actually ❤️ loved me I didn't know how to love and was scared to couldn't tell her so I kept pushing her away here it is 8 years 8 months and 14 days later I finally let it all go and hoping it's not to late to love her Bc
I'm only human
And if I was giving the chance again which it's little to none I'll make up for it all it's possible I never giving up on her ever
I questioned myself should I go and keep trying or should I just let her go completely and let her live and I prayed and prayed and prayed and god gave me the answer I needed
I'm only human right?
I finally found the nerve to stay
I'm gonna make a change in my life
Starting here today
I'm giving it my all and it's only one reason why and it's  You My Mi Amor
I just wanna be yours
I don't wanna miss not another anniversary another nothing
From this day forward I just wanna call you mine
And when I'm alone only thing is on my mind is you
I still cry to songs that remind me of us and how we was back then and just hoping we can can get back to it
I still smile when I see you and know you mad at me
I still smile to the smell of you or  your scent wen you walk away  
Giving up not a option
Leaving is not a option
Turning my back on you is not a option I have no problem begging Y?
I'm only human
When we get our self together
I wanna ask you to marry me a ring don't mean nothing honestly
In my eyes
Never hurt the one who willing to give up everything.
To have fun cause that's what it was fun An did caused my baby a life time of hurt it was all fun An she games til I start getting back what I threw out now I'm hurting daily
Jan 2016 · 276
The Way She Love Me
Sep 2015 · 318
Say Yes!!!!!!!
Say Yes
You still love me the same

Say Yes
You still care

Say Yes
You want me like you use to

Say Yes
We can work things out an build a family

Say Yes
That you won't deny how you really feel

Say Yes
Your still mine

I wish I can turn back the hands of time an start over but it's impossible to do so I gotta live with it all an go with the flow an deal til I can show different and I will but JUST Say Yes

Say Yes
You want me still

Say Yes
You still love me the same

Say Yes
You still care

Baby just say yes
Sep 2015 · 3.5k
Love Don't Change
Love don't change
Just like that

Love don't change
Over night

What is love??
It's not just a 4 letter word it has more meaning to it

Love don't change
Just like that

We've been thru a lot
We been thru the storm and back tell me you don't love me like you use to do
Make me believe your lies

Love don't change
People change
Feeling change
The way you use to treat me change

Love don't change
I can't see you loving another the way you love me
It's not easy
It's def not possible
I cannot be replaced
So don't dare lie and tell me
You don't love me
Make me believe it

Love don't change
Nobody can do me like you

Love don't change
No one can treat me like you do

Love don't change
You created me

Love don't change
I can go on for days an hours just to prove to you
Aug 2015 · 488
I Bet
I Bet
When I get over this hurt things will get better ........
It's killing me how I put you thru so much

I Bet
If you start loving somebody else I will realize how much you really cared and loved me......
I Bet
I won't let this happen  it's time to grow up and understand what I have in front of me......

I Bet
You won't believe me when I say I love you

I Bet
You won't believe me when I say I care

I Bet
You won't believe me when I say I've changed

I Bet
Your thinking I'm just like the rest

I Bet
You would believe me when I say I regret everything

I Bet
It's too late to show you the real me

I Bet
This is my chance to show you I can love you unconditionally and give you what you been giving me all these years

You put me first........ I  had your heart but I blew it ....... Trust and believe me when I say your all I need and want

I Bet
You tired of it all

I Bet
It's like a song on repeat when I say I'm sorry

7 years 7 months 4 weeks
I'm cherish it all
I cherish yes ik it's hard to believe me

I Bet
I learned my lesson
I Bet
Aug 2015 · 471
How Could Love Hurt???
We don't even talk no more
Ig we ran out of words for each other
But your my everything
She's my heart
She's my world
But we barley get along
Have you ever been in love??
Well I have
It was the best in my life
But my past life changed all that with the blink of an eye
I can't function
I need time to think feels like I'm falling
Don't wanna have to start all over
I'm use to you baby
I just want you back in my arms
Baby I need you back with me
she my heart  and I love her with everything in me
Aug 2015 · 437
I reach out to you my love
I appreciate you
I value what you say
I care about your heart
I hate when we apart
Sometimes I wonder are you good enough for me
Do I really deserve you, you something we call different you not like the rest
What I mean??
You know your perfect and the saying is nobody is perfect you too
perfect for me ion know if I can handle
it all Ima take my time an show how much you mean to me
I reach out to you my love
I appreciate you
Do I deserve you
I care about you heart
not really a poem just what's on my mind at the moment

— The End —