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5.9k · Dec 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Dec 2014
There is a sudden charm in the idea of being invisible. I have thought endlessly about being invisible. Maybe, just for a day. I would get up earlier than my usual time. See him sipping tea in his balcony on a wintery morning. Watch him watching this new movie. See him upset, when he doesn't get a parking spot on a lazy day. I would follow him like rivers. And he wouldn't even know that I have already walked past his house 5 times in this past week. I wasn't invisible then. But, I guess I have been invisible to him all along.
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
Who would have thought, what began as a harmless crush
could transform into an undying friendship.
From being just the ‘pretty face’ (handsome actually)
to being the most positive person in my galaxy.

But let me take it slowly
because when we first met,
I couldn’t have imagined it like that.

I don’t recall how it begun.
An epiphany. A just like that moment.

But, still, I held my pen and thought I would write to you.
I felt the need to try and tell you,
about all of the things you do.
About your stupid banter
and pulling my leg.
About your annoying laughter
that I hope never ceases, I beg.

I stop, and I smile. And I say thank you, because you're the most refreshing of men.
You are touching lives, and I want you to know,
I am blessed, and speechless, and full of pride to tell you
Happy Birthday.

PS – Thank you for existing.
*PPS – You are getting old, yo!
3.0k · Jan 2015
Can we start over again?
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
We can be strangers again.
Laugh again. Flirt again.
Cry again. Smirk again.
Create memories afresh.
When in doubt, hit refresh.

But memories, they are tricky.
The moments that you love or hate,
simply go away in time-lapse
and somehow become the scars in your heart
that seem to define you.
© TanyaC. 2015.
3.0k · Jun 2014
Hi. Goodbye.
Tanya Chaudhary Jun 2014
Hi and Goodbye.
The story of my life.
Some stay, some leave,

Oh! What a lovely breeze!!!

#Cheerup #Optimist #Hope
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
Sometimes I feel I am Anaïs Nin.
Sometimes I feel I am Sylvia Plath.
Sometimes I feel I am Dorothy Parker.
Sometimes I feel that I am feeling nothing.
But, most of the time I feel that I feel too much.
2.1k · Sep 2014
Love at First Sight?
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
Imagine a scenario:
A crowded bar
A skyful of stars.
You see a silhouette, that seems familiar.
But you have never seem him, no one your dear.
A near perfect man.
Those lips. Those eyes. The smile.
For you, it's love at first sight.

You go out of your comfort zone.
Look at him and coyly grin.
"You seem like a benevolent stranger", he grins.
Is he for real, you think.
You exchange numbers, dance, talk, laugh and wink.
The night seems to sparkle and both of you stay awake in it's shine.
The morning after looks promising.
You claim to yourself - "He is mine."

Months go
Time flies.
Vanished, he has. The boy that WAS.

Days later,
Sitting in a neighborhood bar you are drinking alone.
Avoiding any eye contact, drowning in your phone.
Somehow, you manage to see a similar  shadow,
"You seem like a benevolent stranger", says  the boy that IS.
"You seem like a benevolent stranger", says  the boy that WILL

1.7k · Dec 2014
manic pixie dream girl
Tanya Chaudhary Dec 2014
I am tired of being an empty shell that you find beautiful & eccentric.
I am tired of being a trope made by authors and directors.
I am like war and peace and not like a tissue paper you made me out to be.
I am tired of being your favourite shade of red.
I am tired of being a brush stroke, when I am the entire painting.
I am tired of being pinned to a pedestal.
I am tired of my existence and my name being relative.
I am tired of being a zany sidekick to the male protagonist in the movie that is my life.
I am tired of you thinking that I need help stilling the edges of my narrative, who longs for a tether or a buoy to keep her from flying off or sinking down.
I am tired of being told – unconventional, different and other such synonyms by boys, that I am not like other girls as if they are a disease and I am magic.
I am tired to be known as someone with wacky quirks and idiosyncrasies.
I am tired of being Alaska Young.
I am tired of being Sam from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
I am tired of being Tiffany from The Silver Linings Playbook.
I am tired of being tagged as Sam from Garden State.
Or even Marla Singer from Fight Club.
Or even an Amelie or Penny from Almost Famous.
And every Zooey Deschanel character.
I am a Clementine.
I’m a Sylvia Plath.
I’m a Dorothy Parker.
A Maya and a Margaret.
You see, I am well versed
in death and in silence.
I have my interests and I am like all of the above. But I am “like” them. I am not them.
I am me.
I am scared now.
Scared of boys claiming to be wrapped in barbed wire
but is really a caged petting animal in the zoo.
I am tired of boys who thinks romance is a Hemingway novel.
But, most importantly I am tired.
Tired of men not falling in love with me
but instead falling in love with the idea of me.

Side note to those who don't know what a manic pixie dream girl is: she's "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." #manicpixiedreamgirl  

“Too many guys think I’m a concept, or I complete them, or I’m gonna make them alive…. But I’m just a ******-up girl who’s looking for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours.” (Clementine, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).
1.6k · Jan 2015
Someone, somewhere
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
Someone, somewhere believes that they love someone in the same way I love you.
Someone, somewhere is watching their first movie together & are waiting in the queue.
Someone, somewhere is celebrating their first moment of holding hands.
Someone, somewhere is politely accepting the other’s whims and commands.  
Someone, somewhere is experiencing the rush of many butterflies twiddling in their stomach.
Someone, somewhere is kissed for the first time & is profoundly dumbstruck.
Someone, somewhere is being captivated by their thrilling dreams.
Someone, somewhere is waking up to screams.
Someone, somewhere is sharing their last kiss with the thought of no longer being together.
Someone, somewhere is wrapping their anniversary gift to spend many more years forever.
Someone, somewhere is watching an extraordinary sunset with no one by their side.
Someone, somewhere is cracking up, laughing on the stupid antics of a child.
Someone, somewhere is caught between falling in love with themselves and wishing they were someone else.
Someone, somewhere is packing their bags to see the world with someone else.
Someone, somewhere is dancing to ecstasy to the first text message of their crush.
Someone, somewhere is whispering sweet nothing’s to someone else. Someone, somewhere just blushed.
Someone, somewhere is staring at the peaceful face of the person sleeping by their side.
Someone, somewhere is awake the whole night to just watch this.
Someone, somewhere is pondering on the worth of their eyes, if it wasn't to see this.
Someone, somewhere is bleeding blank sheets, penning words that fail them.
Someone, somewhere just opened their eyes to a new landscape, a new sun.
Someone, somewhere is saying a new hello. Someone, somewhere is bidding an old goodbye.
Someone, somewhere is killing their flesh, their soul is with someone else.
Someone, somewhere is desperately wishing, craving with every petal of a red rose they throw, or tearing their eyelashes and renouncing it in the air, crossing the fingers of their left hand, then their right hand or stargazing on a starless night in a hope that a star will fall and they can pray for their some-one.
Someone, somewhere thinks they love someone else exactly like I love you.
*Someone, somewhere is entirely wrong.
1.4k · Jan 2015
Courtroom drama.
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
Don't flatter yourself. You aren't any special a human being. But, I fail to explain this to my heart, for it beats at an opposite tune to my disagreeing. I have had conversations with it, deep and intense. It refuses to budge and has a strong defence. I rest my case every single day, for I am a poor Prosecutor. The Judge, my mind holds its hands up, every single time.
Guess, the heart wants what it wants.
Court dismissed.
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
"How was your day?"
"I think I have a CRUSH on you" (Delete)
"I LOVE you." (Sent)
"I wish we could have this conversation face to face...
"I am sorry" (Delete)
"Goodnight" (Sent)
"You know seeing you smile makes me feel that I am the most fortunate person alive." (Delete)
"You know your smile can bring world peace" (Sent)
"I keep hoping that you'll talk to me first" (Delete)
"I can feel my lust grow, each time you utter hello" (Delete)
"You know the first time we kissed. It was as if you were drowning and I was the air" (Delete)
"Today my music player went bonkers, it played only those songs that you've sent me" (Delete)
"It's been more than an year and I still miss you like I am missing a limb" (Delete)
"I did not know that bones could ache, until I met you" (Delete)
"Heyyyy! Itzz two am. And thees alcohol tastes like youu." (Delete)
"I have never had so many long nights" (Delete)
"You know I have started writing poems and most of them are about you. So that the love I have for you I can give it to the world. Because you won't take it from me" (Delete)
"Strangers read my poems. They think you are a bad guy. But I keep defending you because you are not. I still love you, I guess. I definitely miss you. Do you?" (Delete)
"How done with me are you?" (Delete)
"I walk past your house so many times. Like a ninja, trying to catch a glimpse of your silhouette. You know I succeeded once!" (Delete)
"I hate the fact that I can't hate you... not even at all" (Delete)
"I keep scratching my skin. But, skin..... I can't even get you out of my soul." (Delete)
"Why wasn't I enough?" (Delete)
"It's funny. You are like a disease that long left me. But, I still get sicker each passing day." (Delete)
"I keep rechecking our past texts exchanged. It helps me believe that you weren't fiction." (Delete)
"I am not working anymore. I think you broke me" (Delete)
"I see your face in every stranger I pass by.  So, I've learnt walking with my head down." (Delete)
"I knew you were broken. So was I. I wish we could have taken our pain together to create something beautiful. A painting of brokenness." (Delete)
"You know they say you know yourself by meeting others. They say it right." (Delete)
"I assume we were never in love, but, we could have been." (Delete)
"Hey. Long time. I know you love Scarlett Johansson. Her new movie is out. Want to watch it with me?" (Sent)
"Hey, Hope you are doing well?" (Sent)
"I have started writing poems. You should check them out." (Sent)
"It's been so long that I have seen you. I can hardly remember your face anymore." (Sent)
"I dream about you constantly. I think I still love you" (Sent)
"I miss you" (Sent)

"Hey! I swear my cat did that" (Sent)

Everything happens for a reason. You happened for one too. So, Thank you.
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
Somewhere between coffee and stupid talks
And infinite random city tours & walks.

The movie marathons and midday naps
Exquisite food and memories gift wrapped.

G-talk sessions and plane tickets to anywhere with you along
While in the journey, discovering our new favorite song.

Imaginary burn books and death glares,
Silent sentences spoken through stares.

Late night calls and whispers in the dark,
Threatening any guy who dares to break our heart.

Never judging each other and reading one’s mind
My love for ***** and your love for Wine.

“I am undateable” to “Open Up” monologues.
Putting up with the drama of all the loves lost.

Making pop culture references and finding it normal.
I don’t remember the last time we were ever formal.

Of making our fool in front of the ‘classy’ audience
And continuing doing that with elan and confidence.

Our love for wanderlust. Places far and bizarre.
To spend thrifting and getting broke in a hep bazaar.

Overeating and then cribbing about our weight.
To consoling ourselves that “him” is worth the wait.

Of nagging parents and relatives that crib.
Of closing our eyes and letting things slip.

Quick fights and quicker reconciliation.
Sharing deep secrets & deeper confessions.

It is between being mistaken for Lesbians
And being mistaken for Sisters.

Our ballad is a roller coaster ride that only goes up
Our ballad is all these things & more, ready to erupt.
1.0k · Aug 2014
Yesterday, this happened.
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
Yesterday, he came in my dream.
I was sitting at the edge of the cliff,
watching the hills,
the setting sun, the river flowing
when he came close & screamed:
"Hey! Isn't the view spectacular?"
I was taken by surprise. I couldn't react.
I just nodded.
He always loved nature in particular.

He wanted to chit-chat yesterday.
He could see from my eyes that I still love him.
But, he made it obvious by asking me: "Do you?"

I looked at him and replied that it doesn't make much of a difference because you don't.

He smiled.
The broad grin.
The sharp smirk.

I got carried away,
Keeping my inhibitions at bay.
I confessed that I still find him everywhere.
Unlike him, this time he showed interest.
"What all comprises of your everywhere?" He inquired
He raised his eyebrow.
Smirked some more.
Two of his trademark antics I always adored.

With hesitation, I said he is omnipresent.
He is in my breath, my mind, my head.
He is in the view I was watching,
He is in the shadow of the strangers,
He is in the most innate things.
He is in my heart,
He is in my words,
He is in my dreams.

Hearing this, he looked pleased & said:
"I am honored, I want to ask you another thing. Can I go ahead?"
I said sure, at least we are talking.
He then asked me where I don't find him,
don't see him walking?

I stared in his eyes, smiled,
and replied - Kismat!

-- Good Morning. The End --
1.0k · Sep 2014
A Frail Tree
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
My office window overlooks a frail tree.
When the sun is bright,
I can see some of its hues.
When the clouds go dark,
I can see its blues!

My office window overlooks a frail tree.
When its windy,
I can see its strength.
When its hot & humid,
I can see its parchedness.

My office window overlooks a frail tree.
It is dancing today.
The rain has beckoned.
**Hope is a waking dream.
1.0k · Aug 2014
In retrospect, I am fine.
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
What started long ago,
and made me partially blind.
What ended long ago,
and startled my mind!
In retrospect, I am fine.

Hazy sun
to mediocre fun,
Morose days
to major hedge-ways.
Life was definitely kind.
In retrospect, I am fine.

A while, not long ago,
the days started to become bright and glowed,
the nights became bearable &
the heart eventually stopped singing that popular ode.

In introspect, this was a self created debacle.
A product of my own design.

In retrospect, I could have been, all along, fine.
972 · Oct 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Oct 2014
Love seems so distant & far away.
And somehow lust is available every day.

A fetching face,
that’s brimming of grace.
Why this body?
& not share its joy
why be a good old girl
If you cannot 'love' a handsome bad boy?

My body yearns for things
my heart does not want.
967 · Jan 2015
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
After so many years,
together and otherwise,
you still make me
weak in my knees
to be honest to myself
and brutally candid to oneself
you still
it has knees.
At all.
918 · Sep 2014
Head Over Feels
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
I'm all by myself, once again.
I pour my heart out
with this beloved pen.

Reminiscing all the words
you ever said.
Replaying them over and over,
inside my head.

I know how it feels to love,
But, I'll never love again.

As out of experience I've learnt,
Head over feels > Head over heels
887 · Sep 2014
Say Goodnight and Go.
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
I have this weird habit of thinking
before I sleep into bliss.
But there is always a confusion,
something is always amiss.  

Is it better to think about the memories spent with HIM?
Is it better to think about the possibilities of future memories with him?
Eventually,  dichotomy takes it's toll.
and I sleep in deep oblivion.

When I wake up, I feel I dreamt about both of them.
*You see, I didn't sleep that night.
886 · Nov 2014
Writer's Block
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
I wanted to write today.
My fingers itched.
My head pained.
Words were not coming.
In my heart. In my brain.
Felt uncomfortable
by this strain.
Have I stopped loving him?
Is it a writer's block?
blank page in front of me.
The poet is the clock.
872 · Nov 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
I was a recluse.
I was a traveller.
I was a nonconformist.
I was a free spirit.

Then one November evening,
I met YOU.

This nomadic soul,
this gypsy heart,
now wants
a little house in the suburbs
two children
a dog
and your last name.
868 · Sep 2014
short - lived
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
We were in a book together.
We were on the same page.

there was a small margin
on the left
You left me in the margin.
Like a scant reference note,
which was soon to be erased.
841 · Sep 2014
hoax call
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
Imagination conquers the reality
of the ground I walk on.

I was never in love with you,
Only with what we could have been and
What I thought you were.
837 · Sep 2014
Life is Buffering . . .
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
In my calmer moments
sometimes I wonder:
I'm just a girl trying to make my way in the world as a woman.
Who knows what I truly am?
It's all just living in progress.

Strains of aura,
Strands of thought,
All shifting factors of society, lost
in a world so big, often
I just don't know what I'm supposed to be.

That's okay,
Life is all about discovery.
798 · Jan 2015
The Green Pigeon
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
"Oh dear pigeon, Why art thou green?"
Is it envy or jealousy?
Or rather a deformity?
I stared for a while
for it to answer mine.
Contemplating. Thinking deep.
For its existential need

It then sung,
a song unsung
which sounded like
"To hell with your question, woman.
I don't give a FLYING ****."

© TanyaC. 2015.
780 · Aug 2014
Moving on. . .
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
Reckless Abandon.
Major Accident.
Heart Injured.
Hea­rt repaired.
Reckless Abandon . . . . . .
702 · Aug 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
Musings and muse,
and the constant desire of ending this diabolical truce.
Luckily, it's going to rain today.

684 · Aug 2014
Unfettered, she be.
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
She believes in benevolent strangers.
She believes in seclusion,
She believes in chaos and confusion.
She can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Knowing that it's a mirage,
She happily believes in the disillusion.

She believes in dreams, she believes in hope.
Even when the situations are too difficult to cope.

She is bubbly. She talks a lot.
Of random things, Of vague thoughts.

She asks - "Who art thou?"
Can you connect to your darkest, blackest fantasies & thoughts?
Have you made a life for yourself where you can feel them, experience them?
I have . . .

I believe
I am crazy.
I see a picture to what seems hazy.
Yes, I am odd.
But, I am free . . .
679 · Sep 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
She was painted so attractively.

With flecks of deep red like the fire that burned in her heart.
Flowing auburn and burgundy hair she dyed to feel strong.
Specks of amber that seemed to shine around her body as she yearned to feel bright and happy again.

And a hazy but deep emerald painted in haphazard fashion which contained her jealousy because all she wanted was to be perfect.

Swirls of dark cyan and teal like the tears that dripped off her face.

And the lilac dashes were her moments of serenity where her hands created magic out of paper and pen and her mind was finally put to peace.

The fuchsia smeared across her lips, making her feel a little bit prettier.
Tad bits of maroon like the blood that was shed (figuratively).

She was a colorful girl behind the bland grey veil she hid under,
All to avoid the perils she received in black and white.

*Her life had every shade of color, but they couldn’t form a rainbow!
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
The World is at your feet,
The days just couldn't be better.
You have friends, foes
And momentary lovers,
You have the words & the letters.

You can see the sunshine.
You can see the blooming moon.
You can scale the mountains high.
You can hike and walk the dune.

You feel indestructible.
You may feel proud.
You may feel conquered,
Maybe, on top of a cloud.

Then with a sudden ****, you face that demon.
The world calls it - Reality.
It shatters your existence,
Confuses your life with duality.

Those momentary flings help less,
Cause much more distress.
They do have their charm, but then passion isn't the sole fodder of the soul.
You think of the thing that would bridge that hole.

Like a boomerang, you've oscillated.
Physically & inwardly.
Some benevolent and some ended bitterly.

KABOOOOM! The epiphany.
You realize a thing is amiss.
A really petty thing that was taken away, that was dismissed.

The World calls it 'Love'.
I call it - 'YOU.'
*Time has been interminably long. Minutes became years. I never get addicted easily. I’m an island of independence. But I wanted to leave it for you.
Meet me in another universe, one far different from this one. I’ll gladly show you what 150 words failed to convey.
653 · Oct 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Oct 2014
There is something about its weather,
the winter is coming.
the nip in the air, the chill.

I listen to October sing!

The Quiet Nights.
The Wisp of chilly wind.
I listen to October sing.

Night time calls for no light.
I illuminate my own sky.
Dark streets stay stranded, leave empty.
I never question - Why?

I listen to October shout!

I love October
and the promises that come with it.
The season for making some bad decisions
The season for reminiscing past collisions.
The season for creating new envisions.

I listen to October scream!
630 · Jun 2014
Reluctant Memoirist.
Tanya Chaudhary Jun 2014
First I think of writing something.
Then I think of erasing it.
Then I think of hiding it in a metaphor.
Again I think of erasing it.

Nonetheless, I write.
Nonetheless, I erase.
The more I erase, the more I write.

Yet, my pen does not have enough ink to describe what I feel.
615 · Oct 2014
For HIM.
Tanya Chaudhary Oct 2014
You came in like a whiff of fragrance
of the most sensational flowers.
You smelled like heaven.

You came in my life like water
to the most parched lips.
You tasted like heaven.

But then came autumn.
And I desperately tried to stick back the leaves
when it’s no longer the proper season.
Everything was going wrong.
But, nothing felt as right as ignorantly loving you.
Maybe, on some distant planet light-years away,
the concept "love" might not even exist.
So, I sigh deep to that
and confess to you -
*Dear right person, wrong time,
Just as we said hello, we needed to say goodbye.
PS - I am still hopeful for a right time with HIM. Nothing is permanent. Or is it?
595 · Dec 2014
31st December 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Dec 2014
I've always had problems with long words.
Still I can easily pronounce - Athazagoraphobia.
579 · Jan 2015
***no status***
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
Today I asked ...
Do we have something?
Did we ever have something?

Today I slipped.
Today the wall hit me.
Today I fall.
But, only to rise.
The Rain today answered for me.

* * * * *
579 · Aug 2014
I need You.
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
I need you so that I could live.
So that I could breathe,
the same oxygen that you do.

I need you so that I could feel,
the emotions that I don't,
the touch that is lost.

I need you to hold me tight,
when I witness a tough night.
I need you because I ****** do.
So that I can make you mine,
taste your lips of wine.

I need you so that I could die.
I love you so that is why.
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is,
562 · Jul 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Jul 2014
Movies, Music and Musings
I **** my time with you.
Whenever I go to that parallel universe,
I can't help but think of YOU.
Your movies,
Your Music,
Your words were my musings.
Now, I am left with just some hazy memories.
They seem to fade away slowly,
But, I grab them tightly and cage them again.
This is the freedom I despise.
I strangle my last chance of moving on.
Sigh, I have a collection of dismantled almosts.
And this is where I live.
And this is where I shall die.
559 · Oct 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Oct 2014
am I so in love
or have I just lost my mind this point, who cares?
525 · Aug 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Aug 2014
If I walk on enough flowers
or maybe shatter
ample hearts,
I may just forget the fact
I am made of broken parts.
518 · Sep 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Sep 2014
I've spoken so many honest lies to myself,
That now I have start believing
Truth is fictitious.

Convenience is convenient.
515 · Nov 2014
Note to my Future Lover
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
Dear Future Lover,

I can only half love you.
I once loved wholly,
and it nearly killed me.
506 · Jul 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Jul 2014
She yearned to meet that mountain.
The one that was impossible to scale.
The trek was tough.
But, because of her grit, she climbed the impossible.
She was in love with that high mountain.
Ah! What a sight it was. She spanned her eyes to the left and the right.
The magnanimity of the view.
The snow caped mountains. The sun brimming bright.
Not a sight of a single soul. Just birds flying high,
the nature playing a tune that was hypnotizing.
She felt accomplished.

Suddenly, she discovered she has vertigo.
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
I will stop loving him when lovers will stop closing their eyes when they kiss.
505 · Jan 2015
tempest (7w)
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015
We sailed on together.
We drifted    a    p   a    r    t.
An ode to the song which is very dear.
"Open Arms" by Journey.
486 · Nov 2014
This rage is just.
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
I had made you an entity in my head.
With adulation
& Lust.
You are just a tiny particle of the dust.
And I must
the bubble.
Don't flatter yourself.
You are no gold dust.
Don't fool yourself into believing you are special.
Like me, you shall too rust.
Do not. do not flatter yourself mister.
The Truth has finally struck me hard with a gust.

**This should be in all caps
But I trust you to know -
I'm screaming anyway.
473 · Jan 2015
Goodbye, my almost lover.
Tanya Chaudhary Jan 2015

That's it.
That's just it.
I said it.
460 · Oct 2014
I am selfish.
Tanya Chaudhary Oct 2014
He was delightfully kind
that he left me with enumerable misery.

I was so selfish
that I couldn't give him anything but Love.

*I still cant
454 · Jul 2014
Tanya Chaudhary Jul 2014
Right now melancholy is quite existential.
Hiding in the deluge of rapturous July rain -
**partially a smile, partially a pain.
442 · Nov 2014
w o r d p l a y
Tanya Chaudhary Nov 2014
For a rhyming poem,
I would state -

"Love does not come easy for people of two kinds-
those who cannot stay
and those who cannot walk away."

You didn't stay.
I can't walk away.

Guess, this verse
is more than a word play.
416 · Dec 2014
Snipe hunt
Tanya Chaudhary Dec 2014
She was lost. In the Darkness of the Night Sky.
Blankly staring at it, she began chasing stars.
Beyond one’s understanding, beyond her own… they called her lost.
Deranged as she was, condemned the Stars
And chose to chase ‘him’ instead
The one who is not miles apart,
And yet far away.
For impossible was chasing him.
For impossible was chasing a dream.
For impossible is not, chasing the stars.
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