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Listen its something that you hear.
Something that you must not judge because u have an ear.
The signs are there, the words are there and you must listen because it will be for you're own care.
When you have understand its meaning thru pain, it will only bring you shame.
For it is your ear and you must have no fear.
Life is a code
It's within us and outside of us.
Above us and Below us.
We're one of a collective consciousness
As one giant code.
Our codes are like butterfly effects that ripples away thru the fabric of reality that loads...

We're like electricity that powers the circuit boards.
We're like an ipaddress that connects thru the gateway that glows.
We're interconnected as one as the energy flows.
Our functions are like c codes, like our genetic code.
We're programmers of our reality that select stars where the thought goes..

Our limitation is our perception of the code.
Our friends are like classes of our codes.
Our mistakes are part of the system that Manipulates our codes.
Some exceptions are caught by our download...

When zero's and ones are connected we give birth to a new code.
When the program completes its self, it's time to go.
But some of us might exit and some of us will just reload............
From the Tree of Life
Our Roots have taken
Our Evermore now secure
Of which is no mistaken

From the lifetimes we have lived
Let their connection fall-away
So we live now in good standing
With this and he's coming day

The past no more a memory
The ghosts have been extinguished
The Paradigm has shifted
We're free from all resisted

The morrow is an open door
That poverty's abandoned
And Mother Earth is free once more
From exploitation she's been standin'

Those energies of catastrophe
All returning to the source
To manifest as does the dew
In the springtime of our course

Miracles abide in life
In synchronistic fashion
Present when we're not lookin'
Not like a car that's crashin'

The myths historian sold us
No longer have a grip
The heart-mind of humanity
Has given them all the slip

Now, getting down to Stephen
Leacock is his name
Allow the force that binds his mind
To leave him unrestrained

The agitation that besets him
Is the fear that still remains
In the frequency of despondency
That a frantic World sustains

But in the beginning was the word
As such, the word of God was spoken
Within this metered write-ment
The fear frequency is now broken

The butterflies and bees
Beautiful and productive
The soul of Mother Earth
Happy and inductive.
The Dragon's Egg

To understand my addiction
You have to know the

I was born in the dead of
Winter. Wednesday's child...
Full of woe. I was a preemie.
Mom fell on her stomach while
On a chair trying to change a
Lightbulb. As unpreposessing
A child as ever was born...

I won't go into my childhood
Difficulties too much, as they
Might prompt your judgment
Upon my parents. They were
Not really at fault. They did
The best they could based
Upon *their
childhoods and

Mom was sick.
A great deal. The victim of
Horrific migraine headaches
And an undiagnosed (therefore
Untreated) bi-polar condition.
She had aspirations of being an
Actor. She really should never
Have had three children. She
Simply couldn't handle it. I was
Born only 16 months after her
Firstborn, my sister Chris. This
Definitely didn't help matters.
Then, because my little brother
Mark was born just as her
Acting career took off, she had
Much less time for my sister
And I. She had a newborn, a
Career, a husband and
Postpartum depression. Chris
And I (and eventually Mark)
Were neglected. Not really
Mom's fault. It was what
It was...

Dad was a complex man.
A hot-tempered stoic. A hard
Worker who hated manual
Labor. A war hero who also
Became a runner (he would
Become a severe
Alcoholic - an addiction he
eventually overcame).
A generous miser.
A cultured plebian.
A spiritually minded atheist.

I don't blame him. But the
Last dichotomy was our
Downfall. We were
disallowed from church. Went
To an atheist Sunday School.
We learned about all the world
Religions save Christianity.
Or maybe I missed THAT lesson.
But as a result I had no real
Moral compass to live by. My
Parents tried to teach us
Ethical behavior, but because
Jesus and the Holy Spirit weren't
A part of the equation it was
Doomed to failure. One can't
Simply be "moral" or "ethical".
Without Jesus, we are all
Rank sinners. Sorry if this
Offends some of you. But it's
TRUE. Jesus paid the price.
Only faith in Him can make
A person right with the Father.
All else is vanity. My father
Spent his lifetime trying to be
A "good" man. He tried to
Be a "good" husband. A "good"
Father. But his efforts
Always stymied by lack
Of the essential puzzle piece....

I wanted to read this afternoon,
But this work kept gnawing at
My concentration. Now I can
Go back to reading. Thanks!
The Dragon Hatched

Baby snakes are always
The most dangerous.
They have not yet
Learned how to release
Their venom. I was a
Horrible little girl.
A terrible tease. I had
(And still have) a
Samurai tongue.
I know just where
To cut where it
Hurts the most.
And just like that
Baby snake
I struck out at
My baby brother.
Poor Mark. To this
Day he bears the
Marks of my fangs.
I'm being brutally
Honest. I was an
Unholy *terror

I wish for your
Compassion however.
Hurting children
(People) hurt other
Children (people)
There's a incubator
For bullies. Mine was
In an incident when
I was 3 years old.

My sister and I were
*****. Not molested.
*****. By a child
Predator on a train.
My mother was sick
With one of her
Blinding migraine
Headaches. She
Couldn't watch us.
So we ran around
The train
Unrestrained. The
Obvious happened.
My sister, only 4,
Always felt guilty
Thereafter that she
Couldn't protect me!
My SOUL cries out
As I write this!
That little girl was
So wounded that
She withdrew from
Me for her guilt...

And *doted
on my
Baby brother.

This absolutely *slayed
and my sweet
Little baby brother
Received the brunt
Of my brutal anger.

At everyone and
Everything. And the


This is all I can write.
The feelings are beyond
Pain. I feel SO compelled
To write this. Sometimes
I cry out to God...


But He answers,
"I staid that man's hand.
He wanted to ******
You both. Your brave
Sister talked him
*OUT OF IT!!!"*

Thank you, Chris.

With holes in pockets
Can we buy?
Gain truth from
The lips that lie?
Without ever asking

Is guidance in
A folded map?
Wealth within
Bottle cap?
Does fine champagne
Come on tap?

Does knowledge come
From books fast closed?
Water from a frozen hose?

Motion from a
Locked up gear?
Faith from gurus
Full of fear?

Can oil flow
From stoppered jars?
Travel made in totaled cars?
Peace be won from
World War?

Calculating sums from nil
For naught we pay
Usurious bills
No winning wars where
ALL are killed

The wind listeth
              where it will...

We beard the lion
In his lair
Close the pane

To breathe the air.

It's 2:20am... was reading
And this poem started to
Percolate. Now I pour it out
My thoughts drift slow and lazy
through the valleys of my mind,
reaching out for answers,
searching for something I left behind.

My memories were here once before
with darkness, screams and pain,
the intense fire of creative spirit
dampened to pulp by a wicked brain.

So where did I leave myself
when I escaped in to my head?
I've deconstructed the mental walls
to discover the places I had fled.

Between. Betwixt. Bewitched. Be still,
a balm to soothe this anxious seer.
My thoughts drift slow and lazy
through the valleys of my fears.

© Pagan Paul (20/05/17)
 May 2017 Tahirih Manoo
plant more trees
for sake of earth, please
they fill our lives with wealth
they also maintain our precious health
to enjoy a lovely breeze
please grow more trees
its wrong to cut them for personal greed
don't forget they fulfill our basic needs
plant more trees
for sake of earth, please
a humble request to save environment...
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