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Samuel Preveda Apr 2016
Remain calm.
Cleanse your soul like you are forgetting everything, falling down a waterfall....
Falling into a painting
500 years old
still vibrant primaries and darker inky blues and blacks,
swirling light, fabric moving such as not seen in this world.

One day we went outside into the forest. It was dark, the clouds were like iron smoke but then the moon came up, the nighttime sun and filled our hearts with wonder.

We lit a fire and began to sign as the night-wood creatures joined in.
Dancing turned into Ecstasy as our movements became wild, shouting and becoming filled with the presence.
Also posted on my blog;   (or visit

Thank you.
Samuel Preveda
Samuel Preveda Apr 2016
All that was left were the colors and hues
After death or divorce
Or more mundane, change of residence
Whatever, the flowers do bloom always in their season
The colors of the walls
Though they can be torn down
I saw them, earth tones, brown and a summer oak beige
Reminding me of warm days under India green and azure;
After everything's gone and the ghosts of stars simmer like dying coals, no eyes left to see; even if the scientist says its just an illusion of light
Like faith i believe, i see and i remember
Samuel Preveda Jan 2016
The procession of the equinoxes
Antiquities dealer
The unspeakable beauty of the amethyst
Gods fingerprints

I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going.......... But that's Okay. Is that what surrendering is?

Blending, learning, adapting, evolving, individuation in spite of universal oneness. Being less proud.

Happiness. Cinnamon. Cookie cutters from the domain. Keep your herb garden alive. I'm -

A fox. El zorro. Le renard.
Daily rituals,
Water w lemon
Green tea face splash

A history of happiness

Chickens.   Color.    Collage.
Yoga.   Art. Cooking.
Lists. Recording foods.

Evelyn and Alice.
Vivid, lurid descriptions. High Gothic and almost steampunk. The weather. Things unspoken that leave huge impacts. Small tokens of love. Repressed emotions.
Hx of zodiac.

Constantly working for perfection
Inner outer

Nuts, lemon, lime

Keep fire of dreams alive
Read read write create read
Spells for finance and success
Altar space

You're alive
Preservation of breath
Realness if beauty, tranquility
Overcoming sorrow

<i>Les sorts</i> to make them mad, passionate...
Charms for living. Perfection. Attraction wealth abundance.

Clouds and sky and draping cloth, sandstone and quartz and onyx.

An incredible self confidence.
Don't waste a minute of you're life on unhappiness.

D.I.Y. smudge stick. Driftwood. Feathers. Gemstones.

Secrets of a style maniac. Blog. Hidden treasures.

Be my mercury, the wings on my feet.

Amidst the creaks of old trees and the fallen colored leaves.. I see half the future, gone, cherished and perished

The art of self love.
Devotion. Organization. Keep calm. Its ok to have secrets.

Stories and fables and illustrations to go along. Mix of collage, ink, pastel and watercolor

Refine your life like a black and white ink drawing, the fluttering of pen-lined pages like white feathers.

Floating on dreams, its fun to let your feet dangle into the blue warm water, be swept away into another world.

We try to avoid those moments in life. We plan ahead we keep our toes together and our hair ironed, but one can never totally abate the power of wanton embarrassment or other random outbursts...
The notes of daily life; constant remembering; inspiration
Samuel Preveda Oct 2015
“The music playing softly over some speakers, the words oblivious to anything else going on around. "Come away with me". The little bell on top of the door opening to the street rang each time it opened.”
Poem I wrote for my resume....
Samuel Preveda Aug 2015
you are the color of jelly, sparkling and radiant.

as a fish in water, as a bird over soaring green woods.

a deer, alone and afraid - hush, the ferns,  the wind will bring comfort.

— The End —