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Breanna evans Feb 2019

be it half full

or half empty,

fill it with


makes you happy

or pour some out

for whoever makes


h a p p y

just be sure to save

a little for yourself
let your cup

runneth over


that's whar ya like

just don't go around stealing drinks
Crystal Freda Jan 2019
aqua waves beckon
back and forth
at her azure eyes.

wondering how far
they go
and where it lies.

deep and mystical
this water runs
and the blue never dies...
Rowan S Jan 2019
Can't Stop
My Racing Thoughts
About Your Curved Lines
Our Tragic End
My Brain
I'll Rip
Those Sultry Memories
Off My Aching Mind
In The Pursuit
Of My
mikarae Nov 2018
sienna cities
sparkling saturn sunrises
sangria skyscrapers

you are kaleidoscoped
through and through
with window blinds, bed sheets,
and street signs.

they call you modern art
and hang you on a wall
of white
and beige.

your color bleeds.

you boil
and no *** can hold you.

you speak and
wind chimes cry,
ringing into the empty night,

a ballerina can only hope
to move as gracefully
as you do.

your eyes light up
like tuscan sun cities
sizzling sirius sunsets
school bus skyscrapers

i’m hooked on your city glow
brighter than tokyo.
and i get the penthouse view
Shea Nov 2018
------------------   -----I
                           ­    LIK
                            E FIRE WH
                            EN THEY S
                            PEAK IN M
                            Y EARS.  S
                            O LIGHT M
                            E LIKE A C
                           ANDLE, YO
                           U MOONLIG
                           HT VOICES ,
                           LEAVE ME O
                           UT, I BURNY
                           OU DOWN. P
                           UT ME OUT,
                           AND I WILL
                           MISS THEM
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