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Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
It happened
This feeling
It does when you're around
Not a new sensation
In your presence unwound

The floor suddenly unstable
Barely holding feet
Grace formerly following
Crashes to ground in a heap

I cannot stop staring
Thought I had more control
Enchanting face is spellbinding
Look and my stomach starts to roll

What is it about your honesty
That causes me to do crazy things?
Am I having hallucinations?
Have I sprouted wings?
Cause you make me feel like I am flying
Colm Dec 2019
Try as ever you
May not be enough this time
As all clocks unwind
All you can do it try // A Clock // A Haiku // Unwound
Colm Mar 2019
If work, a sea, has tossed me asunder
Then I in two, will sit on the edge of a caffeinated cliff
And write about it, about me, about you
Unwinding Till Unwound

— The End —