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Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
I know I'm not poetic,
Just typing what jumps out to me.
Its not prophetic,
Its easy you see.

People say its hard to write,
Rhyming all the time.
I defeat that, with a fight,
All you need is to Rhyme.

I'm messed up,
Mix-matched too.
But its not anything like the flu,
Its just me, and thats true.

This is just a poem,
Making the truth shown.
Beautiful and solem,
No need for post-pone.

In the cascading shadows of the moon,
I'll be there holding your hand.
Whether it be morning or noon,
I'll be there for you, My friend.
I wrote this for my friend, Its true.

I find poetry beautiful, I can't explain it. It's like a soft story or musical in the slight rhyme and flowing in the lines.
JM McCann Apr 2015
For starters I thought it was basically all dating and going out with
a different girl every night, little did I realize I would go to a high school with
like one hundred twenty  girls total. Subtract the seniors who are leaving soon,
and you have around 80 or so, then you subtract the girls who have no interest me in,
even as person and you have maybe forty or so, then you subtract the people who have
no interest in a boyfriend, and maybe if I’m lucky there are twenty five girls who
could have an interest in me.
Yeah needless to say I got that pretty wrong.

Also the speed in which “Yeah she’s cute please ***** off” goes to
“madly in love he wants to insert ****** act that we are supposed to call gross
and sometimes is gross
her.” elevates is shocking, now that girl
thought I would do anything for her.
I didn’t realize that middle school would continue, just with people
making out in the hallways.
Trolls and fun sponges slides up to the new guy and look for a mole hill
to make into an impassible mountain range.
Also I just realized that to “ball with us” does not mean play basketball,
and is not something that saying you are “all about that bikelife” is not a way
out, its just I’m really not a fan or wasn’t the biggest fan of the obsession with stats,
I make my bad habits nintendo to avoid things like the rather depressing news
anyway I think “ball with us” means get ****** with us, it took only about
half an hour of thought but I think I got it.
I never thought I would get mildly drunk to avoid racing the next day.
I never thought I would be sixteen and have a grasp of the world that I consider to be
nuanced enough, of course there are still things like red lights mainly just colored lights
that are very much below my age, yet I never would have thought that I would be sixteen
and still have my virginity, my mouth virginity, yeah.
I’ve heard girls talk about me, mainly not “oh my god he is so hot” but more
clueless about who the hell and what ever the hell was said about me
or videotaped,
like so what I listen to a song that was proud to have been current in 2008,
its a good song!
Or that I played Lady Macbeth in a play! I’m ******* proud
to be me! To be state champion (I know so subtle right?)
to have seen the weird wonderful things that I’ve been blessed to have
been part of, to have you as my reader I’m proud that somebody is seeing
I’m not complaining about my life its just I thought
my love life would not be on life support at the age of sixteen.
Though maybe it would ****.
So this is me whining a bit
Basbee Jan 2015
We are growing further apart
And the only reason that this upsets me
Is because you're taking my heart.
When did you rip it out of my chest?
Was it when you told me that I already had yours?
Or was it when you took my celibacy
That I unknowingly unlocked myself to you?
What happened to making it work
No matter what
Hold me in your heart
Because it is the closest thing to my soul
--You will always be remembered
Because my spirit decided to settle in you
---Give me your body
So that I will never have to go anywhere without you

Why did you leave?
Did I do something wrong?
It's not you, it's me
Don't lie to me
I am always the reason
You always play the victim, get over yourself
Just like the way you got over me
While I was sitting on the outside designing miniskirts for your cheerleaders
You are always waiting
I thought I needed to wait for you to love me
And I could've awaited eternity
But instead I searched forever
Looking for someone who had not yet found himself
**Fly with me to Neverland
Where even after eternities of forevers
I will find you
--Swim with me across the seven seas
Where our thoughts are permeable and diluted
I can understand you
---Lay with me
You are an everlasting illusion of love
I dream you
Competition between my main alter-egos. Romeo better answer his phone this time. ***** got me ****** up.

— The End —