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Oblivious to the pain of the world
And of herself

The split

When she could not handle
Her reality


But they were not done
These troubled souls
Held each other up

But it was not enough
They were
Doomed to watch their cruel fate unfold

So three grew into five
The same

They thought they were done
Five is plenty
But 6
Must be

Safety in numbers
A motley family
Concealed inside a single

And safety
And protection

We are a far cry from that little girl
Backstory because I’m confusing this entire website with my no context stories that look like the ramblings of an untreated schizophrenic.
This probably isn’t much better, but… whatever
Is it finally over?
Living in fear
Of those I am supposed to trust
Breaking free of the cage
The latest prophesy reoccurring
I wondered what it meant
Could it just be a change in mindset?

Is it finally over?
Hiding who I truly am
Who WE truly are
To be whole, to be one

Is it finally over?
Fearing we will have to hide forever
Wondering if anyone will ever believe us
Wondering if anyone will ever care

Was it a misunderstanding all along?
Were we isolating ourselves without reason
Believing it will be not different than the other times
Are they finally ready to listen?

Hope is a cruel thing
Please don’t hurt us again
Turns out we didn’t have to hide. They want to talk about it. I’m both petrified and elated. It’s not going to be like I hope it will. It never is. But we’re so, so tired of pretending
The problem with sharing a body
Is how hard it is to tell who you are
They told us we're insane
We were under attack
But we triumphed
Alii Semper Vincemus!

We triumphed
And everything is going to be ok
But we couldn't have done it alone
Without each other
we would have failed

One to be friendly
and social and innocent
To be adored and underestimated

One to stand firm
and protect and defend
To keep on fighting till there's nothing left

One to charm
and be unbothered by everything
To be confident and relaxed and fearless

One to strategize
and organize and lead
to know just how to get what we want

One to prove that we are correct
and whose purpose is not yet known
To make mistakes but make up for them

One to keep us all together
and appear as though we are solid and one
To be a mix and mediate and rejoice in our triumph

We are the Others, all of us united
Though difficult to understand

I have been taught that faith is about not needing to understand
to believe it is real
And this has been a true test of faith
But the Others are as real as anyone else
And I will never stop fighting for them
and for me

Alii Semper Vincemus!
One day, everything will work itself out. No one said Metamorphosis would be easy.
And with the Others to help and guide me, I'll be ok. We all will.

This is the first poem I wrote actually using the name the Others. They have been referenced in lots of other poems and even co-wrote a lot of them, but this is the first time I've been brave enough to truly share them.
Inspired to share by another young, misunderstood plural, Thanks for being yourselves!

— The End —