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Holly Nicole Nov 2016
The following
shall be omitted;

Existential dread,
      of the past
Lack of sovereignty,
Knowledge of evil,
       (Acknowledgement of such)

I couldn’t care less.
Could care less means
you care

          Thus: caring shall be omitted,

General thought,
                 omissions must be made

Please retain intelligence
          and a small capacity for
ICN Nov 2015
I found out that I couldn't find myself in this labyrinth of lies that I had made.
*I was lost inside my own maze.
//I haven't found myself yet\\
ICN Oct 2015
The first time you asked me if I trusted you, I said "yes"
The second time you asked, I said "it depends"
But when the third time came around I answered with a "no"
Because after all this time, how could I trust someone who lies, and omits, and only speaks with half-truths?
Someone who hides their feelings deep inside never to be revealed?
It's not that I don't want to trust you, but you don't trust me
And I can't risk another one of your betrayals, because it would **** me
it wouldn't matter anyways, i'm already dead on the inside

— The End —