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Austin Bauer Apr 2016
When your thoughts
Break the law
Of your heart,
Chase them down.
Then, with a
Pummeling blow
Knock those thoughts
To the ground.
Handcuff them,
And lock them
Behind bars.
They do not
Deserve a
Trial so
You are free
To punish
Those rebellious
Thoughts and teach
Them to obey.
Yes, make a
Spectacle of
Those thoughts so
Other rebellious
Thoughts learn to
Obey the law
Of the land.
This is one of the ways I am learning to create alongside of the creative God.  I take a verse and adapt it to poetry.  I have found it is a great way to meditate on scripture.
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
There’s hidden
A precious pearl
Eons have passed
Mentioned in
Various folklores
Hushed tones
Described the
Unknown beauty
Eyes have
Not truly feasted
On it yet
Pearl of Wisdom
Between the
Hidden chambers
Core of the
Universe held secrets
About the origin
Many seers
Have meditated
For time immemorial
The secret of beauty
Love and wisdom
Soul’s eternity
Thus birthed the
Universe from this
Hidden beauty
Many seers will
Meditate eternally
At the confluence of time
In deep trance
Shall try to delve
Deeper into the core
And be one with
The Universe
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Being alone is not loneliness
Time we spend with ourselves
Listening to our inner voices
The symphony of the universe
So many things unheard before
A revelation to the Soul that yearns
To taste the purity of this origin
Sediments of chaos settle down
Giving you clarity and pure thoughts
Mind, heart, and soul in concord
Clearer perspective of the truth
Otherwise obfuscated by distractions
William A Poppen Dec 2014
I sit in a cramped pose
filter out  laughter in the hall
notice my breath flowing
in, out….
pain in my ankles
aches up my legs
**** cheeks basking
like turtles on a rock
still, in waiting, infrequent
head peaks out of my shell
as I anticipate
revelations in my bones
and insights which will cast aside
fears of imaginary illness
fade real disasters
hanging from my ceiling
into fantasies  
destined to
scare the sweat out of me
and make me whole.
ShowYouLove Dec 2014
The First Joyful Mystery:
The Annunciation: The angel Gabriel appears to Mary, announcing she is to be the Mother of God

Mary is represented by the church. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit may be compared to an orange in that they are three parts, but the same fruit or nature. Peel, pulp/meat, and seeds. Jesus is the seeds that God put in Mary, the church and later Mary gives birth to Jesus. The angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her she is the Mother of God. Mary follows God’s will at all times like the church listens to God. Mary is very afraid, but trusts God and goes out to share the good news with her best friend, and cousin, Elizabeth. We pray Hail Mary full of grace, blessed are you indeed in many ways. Your immaculate conception, your carrying of Jesus in your womb, your being chosen to bear our savior. Oh holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners from our first cry to our final breath. Amen

— The End —