"**** the torpedoes!
Full Speed AHEAD!"
So it is we lose our heads
And trust the masses
Whose rabble rise
To stick their fingers
In our eyes.
Freire told us true:
Dialogue must happen;
Time must be taken
To speak Truth,
To hear Truth,
To see Humanity
In the Other.
If not,
Violences ensue,
Blood spills,
The hordes topple
In toppling their oppressors...
Become oppressors.
Small voices
"Imago Dei!"
"Imago Dei!"
Stop to listen,
Stop to see,
Stop to think.
We and They,
They and We,
Are We....
Are WE.
Where are we going? Where we have been? Buffalo Springfield: "For What It's Worth" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5M_Ttstbgs