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Anonymous Feb 5
I was only fourteen,
and you were the first boy
to ever compliment me.
Then I blinked,
and suddenly, I was twenty-four,
and you were the last man
to break my heart.
It has always been about you.
hazem al jaber Nov 2024
The last love ...

In the symphony of the last love ...
All eyes were for your eyes ...
Like a theater of looks full of attendees ...
On you ...

Instruments waiting for someone ...
To dance with them ...
Anticipating the hands of the musicians ...
To complain to them about their condition ...
From a love melting in you ...

And empty chairs ...
Like a night ...
It was filled with spectra before longing

Everyone attended ...
But the curtain ...
Did not open to Now ...
because the melody ...
is gone ...

hazem al ...
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
You have your eyes on someone else
I am happy gazing at the shell
It's a nagging zeitgeist, well
I tried to keep a pretence
Could you tell?

I spinned in endless circles
Blinded by the sparkles
Thought there will be tell-tales
Measured self on  bad scales
Contemporary delusions hail
Careful calculations also fail

I am trying to move on
From something
That was only drawn
In my thoughts, which pawned
My heart, which still prolongs

Tell me
What should I do?
Everyday I am filled with blues
I could throw this forever
If I knew a little, how to!
Or if I had the slightest clue!
Amrita Tiwari Mar 2022
Trying to make it to the end
By trying to pretend
That you will comprehend it all!
It all, one some weekend

Listening to TS
Imagining scenarios, O yes!
This could be us
She says
But the world is our nemesis

You have your eyes on others
Might have a couple of lovers
I just shudder and hover
On love songs’ acoustics and covers

I know if we become a thing
You’ll break up and say it was a fling
I will write sad songs and sing
And give my friends a ring

You have your eyes on someone else
I am happy gazing at the shell
It's a nagging zeitgeist, well
I tried to keep a pretense
Could you tell?
Mark Lecuona Aug 2015
All our life is finally here
It really is true
I’m going to tell you now
Though I don’t really know you

I want to tell somebody
The things they want to hear
Maybe if I write it down
I will be ready to whisper in your ear

It’s time to listen to the moon
Though the silence is so calm
It’s my heart that you feel

In the last days
Everyone wonders
What was it about
So many times
I felt so twisted
I felt so much doubt

All our life we dream
And we wait
But you walked by
While I held open the gate

It’s time to listen to the sun
The warmth made you smile
Because my heart is real
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
I know you said to try and not make any more points... But I can't just sit idly by while excellent points are ignored and disregarded in favor of illusions.

You can either choose to embrace and admire my intellect... Or you can attempt to belittle and censor it. The way my mind works is a little different than most, and that shouldn't be a threat to you. It should be an asset.

I'm sure I can be frustrating to deal with because I have yet to tame my ego and temper entirely, but those flaws have been brought to my attention.

I'm only 28, so I am fairly confident that there's still hope for a full recovery. It took you until you were 40 to make any real corrections in your behavior.

I was there with you from 29 until the present time... So I would find it a bit ironic if you expected perfection from me at 28.

Especially when I feel like I'm leaps and bounds ahead of most people my age, or even your age, when it comes to being self aware, open hearted and willing to change.

All I need is love and affection. I've been bullied and rejected and ignored by both of my parents. The only way I know how to react is by assuming that their mistreatment is justified... And to accept it with a sorrowful, silent dignity.

Its not a far cry from my own fears about myself anyhow. I've always been the awkward misfit daughter of a slovenly, ignorant nutcase. If that's enough to make me question my own value and self worth.

It doesn't take much for someone that I trust to convince me that I don't have any anyhow.

What I need from a relationship is someone who understands those things, and is willing to extend their affections to me unconditionally.

If that's too much for you, then I understand. Its hard to show love when you've never been taught it. Believe me, I know.

But I also know that honesty, sincerity and a compassionate heart can solve all of life's issues. 

As long as I resonate with that truth, I know that the Universe must respond to it.

A love as intense as mine; A spirit as genuinely captivated by wonder; Inspired by nature and comforted by our inherent divinity...

Cannot... Nay, WILL NOT be left wanting. Of that I'm sure.

I hope you can put down your defenses long enough to see that we are on the same team.

Pride is a silly thing to cling to when there are broken hearts and unmentionable sufferings to address in our own lives and families.

What does a man gain from the glorified conquests of his ego if, in the end, he is to suffer the loss of his own soul?

I love you. That's all I can say. Although I will probably never send you a copy of this letter... I somehow feel better nonetheless. I wish you could hold me one last time.

— The End —